Saturday 18 November 2017

Elektronisches Handelssystem Wiki

Für andere Orte mit dem gleichen Namen, siehe Melbourne (Begriffsklärung). Melbourne ist eine riesige Stadt mit mehreren Bezirk Artikeln mit Sightseeing, Restaurant, Nachtleben und Unterkunft Inserate haben einen Blick auf jeden von ihnen. Melbourne. An der Spitze der Port Phillip Bay, ist Australias zweitgrößte Stadt und die Hauptstadt des südöstlichen Bundesstaates Victoria. Melbourne ist australische kulturelle Hauptstadt, mit Architektur im viktorianischen Stil, umfangreiche Einkaufsmöglichkeiten, Museen, Galerien, Theater und große Parks und Gärten. Die 4 Millionen Einwohner sind multikulturell und sportlich verrückt. Gründe für einen Besuch in Melbourne sind große Sportveranstaltungen, mit denen es als Ausgangspunkt für die Erkundung von umliegenden Regionen wie dem Grampians National Park. Die Große Ozean-Straße. Und besuchen Phillip Island, um die Pinguin-Parade zu sehen. Viele britische Besucher kommen nach Melbourne für Touren von Dreharbeiten Standorte der TV-Seifenoper Neighbours. Yarra River und Melbourne Skyline Stadtbezirke Edit Central Melbourne Bearbeiten Stadtzentrum (Docklands) Melbournes Central Business District (CBD) und historische Kern nördlich des Yarra River, einschließlich der neuen, kosmopolitischen Docklands Bezirk im Westen. Unzählige tolle Restaurants, Clubs, Pubs. Das Zentrum von Melbourne throbt mit dem Leben, was die Bewohner stolz auf die Tatsache, dass es regelmäßig zur weltweit lebenswertesten Stadt gewählt. Ausgezeichnete Straßenbahn, Bus und Bahn-System macht immer um diese und andere Bereiche einfach. Southbank Unterhaltung, (einschließlich einer hervorragenden Kunst-und Theater-Komplex, Ballett, Oper und vieles mehr), feines Essen, sowie einige preiswerte Cafés und die große Crown Casino und Entertainment-Komplex. Flussfahrten fahren von Southbank ab. St Kilda Sonnige Strände und ein großes Restaurant, Bar und Nachtleben. Südöstliche Vororte Verbreiten Sie entlang der Küste von Port Philip Bucht und bedeckt Bereiche wie Brighton, Elwood, Sandringham und die Städte von Frankston und Dandenong. Seine Hauptattraktion ist der Strand entlang der Bucht. Bemerkenswerte Innenstadt Vororte Bearbeiten Im Folgenden sind einige der wichtigsten Innenstadt Vororten und Ortschaften. Sie sind von der alten Bezirkstruktur für Melbourne und werden schließlich in ihren jeweiligen Artikel oben verschmolzen. Stadtzentrum 8212 Melbournes Zentraler Geschäftsbezirk (CBD) und historischer Kern nördlich des Yarra Flusses, einschließlich des Southbank Bezirkes sofort südlich des Yarra und des neuen Docklands Bezirkes zum Westen. Albert Park 8212 Ein Vorort von Port Phillip und Heimat der Melbournes F1 Grand Prix Rennstrecke. South Melbourne 8212 Heimat der Shopping-Streifen bekannt als Clarendon Street, South Melbourne in Port Phillip hat auch die beliebte South Melbourne Market, die erstmals im Jahr 1867 eröffnet und bietet Lebensmittel, Kleidung, Schuhe und vieles mehr. St Kilda 8212 Vorort von Port Phillip am Port Philip Bay mit seinem berühmten Sonntag Kunstmarkt und Heimat von vielen Backpacker Hostels und Cafes. Brunswick 8212 Innerer nördlicher Vorort in Moreland. Die neue Fitzroy. Carlton 8212 Im Norden Melbournes, der traditionellen Heimat der italienischen Gemeinde Melbournes und der Universität Melbourne. Collingwood 8212 Arbeiterklasse Vorort mit funky Shopping, Kneipen und Live-Musik auf Smith und Johnston Streets. Fitzroy 8212 Das böhmische Viertel mit interessanten Restaurants und trendigen Boutiquen. Richmond 8212 North Richmond ist Melbournes Little Vietnam, während der südliche Teil des Viertels, Bridge Road, ist bekannt für Low-Cost-Mode-Outlets. Footscray 8212 Arbeiterklasse Vorort von Maribyrnong, coole, multikulturelle, günstige Märkte, Dutzende von vietnamesischen und ostafrikanischen Geschäften und Restaurants. Yarraville 8212 Ruhig, im Westen Vorort von Maribyrnong mit gut erhaltenen viktorianischen Architektur und eine funky, künstlerische Atmosphäre. Prahran 8212 Beliebtes Einkaufsviertel in Stonnington mit Chapel Street als seine Hauptattraktion. South Yarra 8212 Südlich des Flusses in Stonnington, mit High-End-Shopping und Restaurants, deckt es South Yarra und Toorak. Williamstown 8212 Altes, maritim gestaltetes Vorort der Hobsons Bay mit vielen Cafes am Ufer. Verstehen Edit Climate Edit Insgesamt: Melbourne kann viele Tage im Sommer über 35 und 40C. Der Sommer ist die wärmste Jahreszeit. Herbst und Frühjahr ändern sich dramatisch während der Woche und sehr ähnlich. Die Winter können bei Temperaturen um 14 Grad kühl sein. Melbourne ist die dritte trockenste Hauptstadt Australiens mit der Hälfte des Niederschlags von Sydneys (600mm) und (1200mm). Sommer: Melbourne Sommer sind im Allgemeinen mit einer durchschnittlichen Temperatur von um 26 Grad warm. Summers bestehen aus sehr heißen Tagen. Melbourne ist bekannt für seine Tage der extremen Hitze. Mehrere Tage jeden Sommer schlagen 40C. Nachtstempel sind um 16C. Der heißeste Tag, der jemals aufgenommen wurde, war 46.4C, die heißeste jeder Hauptstadt in Australien. Nach ein paar Tagen extremer Hitze, ist es in der Regel gefolgt von einer kühlen Änderung fallen die Temperatur zurück auf etwa 20 bis 30 Grad. Ein durchschnittlicher Sommertag ist warm und sonnig und meist leichte Regenfälle alle fünf oder sechs Tage. Januar und Februar sind Melbournes heißesten Monate. Herbst: Herbst ist eine gemischte Tasche des Wetters. Eines Tages könnte es 35 Grad, die nächste 15. Es ändert sich dramatisch während der Woche, so pack alles Dies lebt bis zu den vier Jahreszeiten in einem Tag Slogan. Die Nachttemperaturen liegen bei 8 bis 14 Grad. Tageszeit temps sind herum 18 bis 25. Im März können Sie noch Tage der extremen Hitze erhalten. Im Jahr 2013 hatte Melbourne 10 Tage über 30 im März, die meisten je. Im Mai sind die Temperaturen deutlich kälter als die Tage im März und Anfang April. Winter: Die Winter sind meist kühl und feucht mit Tageshochs von etwa 14 Grad im Juni und Juli, im August ist der Durchschnitt 16. Der durchschnittliche Wintertag ist bewölkt mit sonnigen Pausen. Die Temperatur kann kälter als 10 Grad, aber höher als 21. Es regnet durchschnittlich 2 in 5 Tagen mit rund 38 regen Tagen. Melbourner Winter können unter 10 einmal alle 3 Jahre erhalten. Minimums sind um 7 Grad, aber kann kälter als 2 und höher als 12 erhalten. Leichter Schnee fällt normalerweise auf die Oberseite des Mount Dandenong einmal jährlich. Frühling: Der Frühling ist die feuchteste Zeit des Jahres in Melbourne und kann immer noch ziemlich kalt früh, aber dann wärmer, wie Sie den Kopf in den Sommer. Oktober ist der feuchteste Monat mit 66mm. Tageszeithöhen sind etwa 18 bis 25C (abhängig davon, wann) und die Nachtstunden sind um 9 bis 15 wieder abhängig. Gewöhnlich ist es auch die windigste Jahreszeit. Es ist meistens wie im Herbst. Im November können Sie Tage der extremen Hitze erhalten. Geschichte Der Heiligtum der Erinnerung Die Siedlung von Melbourne begann im Jahre 1835, als Siedler aus Tasmanien gekauft Land auf Port Phillip Bay und dem Yarra River von den lokalen Aborigines Stämme. Die Straßen von Central Melbourne wurden sorgfältig in 1837, mit einigen Straßen 30 Meter breit angelegt. Die Siedlung wurde Melbourne nach William Lamb, 2. Viscount Melbourne, der britische Premierminister zu dieser Zeit benannt. Der erste britische Leutnant-Gouverneur, Charles La Trobe, kam im Jahre 1839 seine Hütte noch steht und kann im Kings Domain besucht werden. Das Jahr 1851 war ein Wahrzeichen für Melbourne 8212 die Kolonie von Victoria wurde von New South Wales getrennt und sehr bald danach wurde Gold in Victoria entdeckt, was einen riesigen Goldrush. Aspekte der Goldrauschgeschichte können Sie im Gold-Schatzkammermuseum sehen, das im 1858 errichteten Schatzhaus untergebracht ist. Gold war der Katalysator für mehrere Jahrzehnte des Wohlstands, der bis in die späten 1880er Jahre hineinreicht, und Beispiele für die verzierten viktorianischen Ära-Strukturen Dieses Mal noch stehen. Im Jahre 1888, der Immobilien-Boom zusammengebrochen und Victoria erlitt die Depression der 1890er Jahre. Während der Gold - und Baubooms gelang es Melbourne, die vielen großen Parks und Gärten zu bewahren, die bis heute erhalten geblieben sind. Im Jahr 1901 wurden die britischen Kolonien Australiens eine unabhängige Föderation und Melbourne die temporäre Hauptstadt von Australien, mit dem Bundestag Treffen im Parlament House of Victoria bis 1927, als die neue Bundeshauptstadt von Canberra gegründet wurde. Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg wuchs Melbourne schnell, mit seiner überwiegend anglo-keltischen Bevölkerung durch Einwanderung aus Europa, vor allem aus Griechenland und Italien. Die bedeutende jüdische Bevölkerung vor dem Krieg wurde auch nach dem Krieg verstärkt. Ab Mitte der 70er Jahre kamen viele Einwanderer aus Südostasien, insbesondere Vietnam und Kambodscha. Melbourne hat eine chinesische Bevölkerung seit dem Goldrausch der 1850er Jahre und Chinatown hat von dieser Zeit existiert hat, sondern die Bevölkerung der chinesischen und anderen Ostasiaten wurde auch durch die Einwanderung in den letzten Jahren. Neue Hochhäuser ersetzten viele von Melbournes interessante alte Strukturen im Bauboom der 1970er und 80er Jahre. Melbournians verspäteten erkannten den Verlust ihres architektonischen Erbes und Schritte wurden getroffen, um zu schützen, was übrig war. Bau der riesigen Crown Casino (kurz das größte Casino der Welt) in den 1990er Jahren verärgert einige Melbournians mit seiner Einführung einer Glücksspiel-Kultur. Melbournes Entwicklung setzt sich in den 2000er Jahren mit der Eröffnung des Melbourne Museum, Federation Square und der Docklands Bezirk. Kultur Edit Melbourne wird oft als kulturelle Hauptstadt Australiens mit seinen vielen Kunstgalerien, Filmfestivals, Orchestern, Chor - und Opernproduktionen, lebendiger Live-Musik und einer starken Küche, Wein - und Kaffeekultur bezeichnet. Die Menschen in Melbourne neigen dazu, mehr als in Sydney, zum Teil aufgrund der kälteren Klima verkleiden. Viele Bars und Clubs haben strenge Kleid Vorschriften, wie zum Beispiel Halsbänder und Kleid Schuhe für Männer. Zu den besonderen Ereignissen zählen das Internationale Filmfestival Melbourne im August, das Internationale Kunstfestival im Oktober und das Melbourne Comedy Festival im April. Es gibt auch viele Konzerte und Ausstellungen während des ganzen Jahres. Neben dem Melbourne Museum gibt es spezielle Museen, die Themen wie Wissenschaft, Einwanderung, chinesische Geschichte, jüdische Geschichte, Sport, Rennen, Film und bewegte Bilder, Eisenbahnen, Polizei, Feuerwehr und Bankwesen gewidmet sind. Sport Bearbeite Luftschuss von Albert Park Melbourne ist die unbestrittene Sportstadt von Australien mit den größten Arenen und zwei der wichtigsten Sportvereine, die ihre Arbeit in Melbourne aufbauen: Cricket Australia ist ein Steinwurf vom MCG, und die AFL-Spiele werden bei beiden gespielt Das MCG und Etihad Stadium. Melbournians sind Sportbegeisterte und besonders leidenschaftlich über australischen Regeln Fußball. Ein Sport in Melbourne erfunden. Tatsächlich ist die Australische Fußball-Liga (AFL) nicht so viel ein Sport wie eine Religion in Melbourne, mit 9 der 10 viktorianischen Mannschaften, die in Melbourne basieren. Als Leitfaden, hat die gesamte nationale Konkurrenz nur 18 Teams, was bedeutet, die Hälfte der Liga ist in Melbourne allein. Pferderennen ist eine weitere Leidenschaft, und die Mehrheit des Staates hat einen öffentlichen Feiertag am ersten Dienstag im November für das Rennen des Melbourne Cup. Einer der weltberühmten Pferderennen. Cricket ist der große Sommersport und die Melbourne Cricket Ground (die MCG) ist eine der weltweit führenden Gründen. Das National Sports Museum (NSM) (einschließlich des Racing Museum) Australias nur wirklich gewidmet Multi-Sport-Museum befindet sich auch an der MCG. Jeden Januar beherbergt Melbourne Tennis Australian Open. Einer der Welten vier Grand-Slam-Meisterschaften. Im März ist Melbourne das erste Rennen der Formel 1-Saison, der Formel 1 Grand Prix. Das Rennen findet im Albert Park in South Melbourne statt. Melbournians haben auch Fußball (Fußball) zu ihren Herzen in der letzten Zeit genommen. Melbourne Victory, der in der australischen Premier League, der A-League spielte, gewann enorme Massen und bunte, boomende Unterstützung in ihrem ursprünglichen Heimatland, dem Etihad Stadium (früher als Telstra Dome bekannt). Im Jahr 2011 nahm die A-League dieses Phänomen und fügte ein zweites Melbourne-Team, Melbourne City (im Besitz von Manchester City). Die beiden Teams teilen sich das neue Melbourne Rectangular Stadium, im Handel bekannt als AAMI Park. Die Stadt verfügt auch über ein professionelles Team in jedem Rugby-Code, beide spielen auch am AAMI Park. Die Melbourne Storm spielen Rugby-Liga in der Nationalen Rugby-Liga, mit Teams in ganz Australien und eins in Neuseeland. Die Melbourne Rebels spielen Rugby Union in Super Rugby, die vier anderen australischen Seiten und fünf jeweils in Neuseeland und Südafrika. Holen Sie sich in Edit Mit dem Flugzeug Edit Melbourne wird von zwei großen Flughäfen Melbourne Airport serviert. Auch als Tullamarine Airport bezeichnet, befindet sich im Nordwesten der Stadt und ist das wichtigste internationale und nationale Zentrum. Einige Inlandsflüge von Low-Cost-Carrier Jetstar Airways auch Avalon Flughafen. Befindet sich im Südwesten des Stadtzentrums auf der Straße nach Geelong. Zwei kleinere Zivilluftfahrt-Flughäfen, Moorabbin Airport. Im Süden der Stadt, und Essendon Airport 1. im Nordwesten der Stadt, dienen begrenzte regionale Flüge nach Flinders Island. King Island und einige andere regionale Destinationen. Melbourne Airport Der Flughafen Melbourne (IATA. MEL) ist der wichtigste Flughafen der Stadt, 22 km nordwestlich des Stadtzentrums im industriellen Stadtteil Tullamarine. Der Flughafen ist ein Drehkreuz für Qantas. Virgin Australia 2. Regional Express 3 und Low-Cost-Fluggesellschaften Jetstar Airways 4 und Tigerair Australien 5. Melbourne Airport ist in vier Terminals aufgeteilt: Terminal 1. Wird von Qantas Inlandsflüge verwendet. Terminal 2 wird für alle internationalen Flüge eingesetzt. Terminal 3 ist die Heimat von Virgin Australia und Regional Express Inlandsflüge. Klemme 4. Befindet sich im Süden des Haupt-Terminal Gebäude, wird von Tigerair Australien und Jetstar Inlandsflüge verwendet. Es gibt mehrere Flüge pro Tag zu den meisten großen australischen und neuseeländischen Städten, zusätzlich zu beliebten touristischen Destinationen wie Cairns, die Gold Coast, Hamilton Island, Townsville und Ayers Rock-Uluru. Es gibt einen täglichen Flug nach Los Angeles und mehrere Flüge pro Tag zu asiatischen Hubs einschließlich Singapur. Hongkong. Bangkok und Kuala Lumpur. Neben den großen Nahen Osten Hubs Dubai. Abu Dhabi und Doha. Tip: Tweet MELFlights am Tag der Reise für Echtzeit-Fluginformationen direkt an Ihr WiFi-Gerät. Der schnellste Weg in die Innenstadt wird mit einem Taxi, dann Skybus oder Shuttle-Bus (je nach Abfahrt und Transferzeiten), mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln, die mindestens doppelt so lang. Der günstigste Weg in die Stadt ist mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln, mit einer Einbahnfahrt kostet 6 (plus Myki-Karte), im Vergleich zu 12 bis 14 mit Greenbus, 18 bis 20 für Skybus oder Shuttle-Busse und 55 bis 60 für ein Taxi. Taxis zwischen dem Flughafen und dem CBD kosten zwischen 55-65 und dauert etwa 30 Minuten in klarem Verkehr. Skybus 6 61 3 9335 2811, fährt einen schnellen und häufigen Shuttle-Bus zur Southern Cross Station mit Ticketkabinen und Haltestellen vor Terminal 1 und Terminal 3. Eine einfache Fahrt kostet 18, mit Ermäßigungen für Gruppen, Kinder und Senioren. Die Fahrt dauert etwa 20 Minuten in gutem Verkehr, und verlässt alle 10 Minuten während des Tages mit Anschluss von Bussen zu großen Hotels in der CBD. Tickets können online gekauft werden, obwohl Buchungen arent in der Regel notwendig, außer für Hotel Pick-ups, die mindestens drei Stunden vor. Shuttlebus . Greenbus bietet einen direkten Service in der Innenstadt für 12 (Studenten) bis 14 (Erwachsene). Für südöstliche Vorstädte einschließlich St Kilda. Elwood, Brighton und Frankston, die Frankston und Peninsula Airport Shuttle (FAPAS) 7 61 3 9783 1199 läuft regelmäßige Minibus-Dienste, mit Einweg-Erwachsenen Tarife ab 18. Buchungen erforderlich sind. Regelmäßiger Bus. Der Flughafen kann auch mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln Victoria 8. 61 3 8608 5021 Bus-Dienste, die langsamer, aber billiger sind abgerufen werden. Der 901 Frankston-Melbourne Airport Bus verbindet mit den Zügen am Bahnhof Broadmeadows, wobei die gesamte Fahrt in der Regel 1 Stunde und 15 Minuten vom Flughafen in die Innenstadt. Es fährt von der Buszone, über die Straße von der wichtigsten Taxistand außerhalb Terminal 1. Diese Route ist am besten nach Dunkelheit vermieden. Achten Sie darauf, dass Broadmeadows als ein höheres Verbrechen Nachbarschaft in den Aufenthalt sicher Abschnitt aufgelistet ist. Unregelmäßige Busse schließen auch an Moonee Teiche und Essendon (Wege 478 und 479) und Sunbury (Wege 479 und 500) an. Myki-Karten können an den Skybus-Standorten außerhalb von Terminal 1 und Terminal 3 erworben werden. Auf der PTV-Website sind aktuelle Fahrplanauskünfte inklusive Reiseplaner erhältlich. Melbourne City Cabs 9 Melbourne City Cabs ist ein vertrauenswürdiger Name in der Kabine Dienstleistungen, die sich mit Chauffeur-Transport-Service für eine breite Palette von Kunden bieten. Melbourn Prestige Limos 10 Melbourn Prestige Limos bietet einen Premium-Service für Melbourne Managing Transfers für viele wichtige Menschen mit Stil. Was für eine Kabine 11 Was eine Kabine bietet die schnellste und effizienteste Service für ihre Kunden durch die Zusendung der nächsten Taxi während der Spitzenzeiten, um die minimale Wartezeit zu reduzieren .. Avalon Flughafen Edit Avalon Flughafen, 12 (IATA Äußere Geelong Vorort von Lara. Der Flughafen liegt 55 km südwestlich von Melbourne und ist wesentlich weiter von Melbourne CBD als der Flughafen Melbourne in Tullamarine. Allerdings kostet ein Shuttle zum Southern Cross nur 4 mehr als ein Shuttle von Tullamarine, und Tarife von Avalon sind manchmal deutlich günstiger. Das Terminal selbst ist ungefähr so ​​einfach, wie es bekommt, mit nur einem Geldautomaten, Autovermietung und Gepäck Karussells in, was wie ein alter Hangar bei Ankünften aussieht. Die Abfahrt Einrichtungen sind ein wenig besser, mit einem Café und einer Bar, und ein Video-Arkade-Zimmer. Jetstar Airways ist die einzige Fluggesellschaft, die von Avalon, mit bis zu vier Flüge pro Tag nach Sydney sicher sein, überprüfen Sie Ihre Buchung ist von Avalon, anstatt der größeren Melbourne Airport. Neben Melbourne ist Avalon ein nützliches Tor zu Geelong und der Great Ocean Road. Taxis vom Avalon Flughafen zum Melbourne CBD laufen aufwärts von 100. SITA Busse 13 betreibt einen Bus-Shuttleservice zur Melbournes Südlichen Querstation, die 20 pro Erwachsener und 10 pro Kind eine Weise kostet. Die Busse treffen sich alle Jetstar Ankunft. Eine zusätzliche 7 pro Person wird für einen Transfer in die Stadt Hotels. Nur Bargeld wird akzeptiert, nicht Kreditkarten. Regionale Züge 14 laufen von Lara Station, ca. 8 km vom Terminal, Southern Cross Station stündlich, und kosten 5,60. Kinder 17 Jahre und jünger sind der halbe Preis, jedoch in Off-Peak-Zeiten bis zu zwei Kindern reisen kostenlos mit jedem Erwachsenen. Ein Taxi zum Bahnhof kostet etwa 15, so gibt es keine Kosten oder Zeit profitieren für einen einzelnen Erwachsenen des Zuges über den Shuttle. Mieten eines Autos für ein paar Tage kann billiger sein als ein Taxi, solange Sie irgendwo haben, um es zu parken. Die Straßenverbindungen zwischen dem Flughafen Avalon und Melbourne sind gut, die Fahrt dauert in der Regel etwa 50 Minuten länger am Sonntag und in der Hauptverkehrszeit. Mit dem Zug Bearbeiten Alle regionalen und interstate Rail Services von Southern Cross Station, an der Spencer Street am westlichen Rand des Melbourne CBD. Die Station ist gut mit dem Rest des städtischen Verkehrsnetzes verbunden, darunter die meisten S-Bahnlinien, Straßenbahnlinien und einige Busverbindungen. VLine. Betreibt die meisten regionalen Züge, mit regelmäßigen Dienstleistungen für Geelong. Ballarat Albury. Bendigo und Bairnsdale unter anderem 160dit NSW TrainLink. 15. betreibt einen zweimal täglichen Service von Sydney (11 Stunden entfernt). 160dit Große Südliche Eisenbahn. 16. fährt zwei Dienste pro Woche von Adelaide (10-11 Stunden). 160dit Mit dem Auto Bearbeiten Von Sydney. Die schnellste Route nach Melbourne ist die Hume Highway, die 10-11 Stunden dauert. Die Princes Highway (National Route 1) geht entlang der Küste und ist weniger überfüllt. Es dauert länger und die Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung ist niedriger. Adelaide ist etwas näher als Sydney und kann in 9 Stunden erreicht werden. Die Küstenstraße ist landschaftlich aber langsamer. Eine direkte Fahrt von Brisbane dauert 21 Stunden Fahrzeit und bringt Sie weiter im Inland entlang der Newell Highway. Dies macht für eine interessante Alternative zu der Standard-Brisbane-Sydney-Melbourne Küstenstraße. Mit dem Bus Editieren Busverbindungen nach Melbourne von außerhalb des Staates werden von Firefly Express 17 und Greyhound 18 zur Verfügung gestellt. Busverbindungen innerhalb Victoria werden von VLine betrieben und betreiben von den meisten großen und vielen kleinen viktorianischen Städten. Mit dem Schiff Edit Melbourne kann von Devonport erreicht werden. Tasmanien von Carpersage Fähren von Spirit of Tasmania 19. Die Fahrt dauert 10 Stunden und fährt jede Nacht (in beide Richtungen), Abfahrt um 9 Uhr und Ankunft um 7 Uhr. Während der Spitze des Sommers, gibt es auch Tagesegeln (Abfahrt 9AM, ankommende 7PM) an vielen Tagen - im Voraus überprüfen. Die Eintrittspreise hängen von der Jahreszeit und Ihrer Übernachtung ab. Ein Sitzplatz (kein Bett) ist der billigste, beginnend (in der Nebensaison) von 108 für Erwachsene und 82 für Kinder. Denken Sie daran, der Sitz ist sehr unbequem, entspricht einem Kino-Sitz. Kabinen mit Etagenbett ab 187 Erwachsene, 97 Kinder. Die Hauptsaison kostet etwa 25. Autos kosten 59 das ganze Jahr über. Melbourne ist auch von mehreren Kreuzfahrtschiffen das ganze Jahr über (meist in der Sommer-Kreuzfahrt-Saison) serviert. Prüfen Sie die Bediener auf weitere Einzelheiten. Alle Passagierschiffe, die Melbourne bedienen, kommen an und gehen von Station Pier in Port Melbourne, die in South Melbourne etwa 2,5 Meilen südwestlich von der CBD befindet. Für diejenigen ohne privaten Transport, die 109 Tram fährt vom alten Bahnhof über die Straße vom Bahnhof Pier und geht direkt in das Herz von Melbourne (weiter nach Box Hill im Nordosten der Stadt). Get around Edit Obwohl Melbourne selbst eine sehr große Metropolregion ist, sind die meisten Sehenswürdigkeiten in der Innenstadt und leicht mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln zu erreichen. Zu Fuß Edit Melbournes Stadtzentrum ist in einem geordneten Raster-System, ähnlich wie in Manhattan angeordnet. So dass es leicht zu navigieren um die zentralen Bereiche. Während der Hauptverkehrszeit kann man sogar schneller als mit der Straßenbahn fahren. Eine freie Karte 20 des Stadtzentrums ist von den Melbourne Besucher-Zentren 21 im Federation-Platz und Bourke Street Mall vorhanden. Mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln Edit Melbournes öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln ist umfangreich, und in den Innenstädten allgemein häufig und einfach zu den beliebtesten Sehenswürdigkeiten sind leicht mit der Straßenbahn oder Zug zu erreichen, und es ist ganz einfach, um Melbourne ohne Auto zu bekommen. Das Melbourne CBD wird durch die freie Tram-Zone 22 abgedeckt. Das bedeutet, dass das Reisen in der CBD durch Straßenbahn kostenlos ist. Sie können immer noch auf Ihre Myki, aber kein Geld abgezogen werden und am besten von allen die meisten der wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten in der Stadt fallen in die freie Straßenbahn-Zone. Für weitere Informationen siehe öffentliche Verkehrsmittel Victoria 23, die die Behörde für öffentliche Verkehrsmittel in Melbourne und Victoria ist. Der PTV Hub. Southern Cross Station, 750 Collins St, Melbourne Gästebewertungen. (Gebührenfrei: 1800 800 007), 24. 160dit bietet Fahrpläne, Broschüren und kann bei anderen Anfragen behilflich sein. Alle Leistungen sind unter dem myki 25 Ticketing System. Im Besucherzentrum von Melbourne im Federation Square, den SkyBus-Ticketkabinen und dem PTV Hub ist ein myki Besucher-Value Pack erhältlich. Andernfalls können myki Karten von den Automaten an den Bahnhöfen, von den Zeitschriftenhändler, von den Hilfsnahrungsmittelgeschäften und von den großen CBD-Straßenbahnhaltestellen gekauft werden. Die Fahrpreise werden auf der Grundlage der zurückgelegten Strecke berechnet, wobei die meisten innerstädtischen Vorstädte in Zone 1 fallen und eine separate Zone 2 die mittleren und äußeren Vorstädte abdeckt. Fahrkarten sind in zwei Stunden und Tagesoptionen erhältlich Der beste Tarif für Ihre Fahrt wird automatisch berechnet, was bedeutet, dass die Preise effektiv auf eine Tageskarte (ca. 7) begrenzt werden. Offizielle Beamte überprüfen häufig Karten auf Straßenbahnen und Zügen, besonders auf populären Wegen. Das Myki-System ist eigentlich ziemlich kompliziert und Pendler können leicht ausgelöst werden. Zum Beispiel haben viele Bahnhöfe keine Barrieren, die öffnen und schließen, wenn die Karte gescannt wird (wie in London, Singapur und den meisten anderen Ländern getan). Als Ergebnis kann und kann es passieren, dass die Leute denken, sie klopfen richtig, aber nicht richtig zu klopfen. Wenn das passiert, besteht die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass ein Fahrkarteninspektor den Passagier an seinem Bestimmungsort anhalten wird (besonders wenn es sich um einen Bahnhof in der CBD handelt) und ihnen die Möglichkeit gibt, eine 75 an Ort und Stelle zu bezahlen oder gemeldet zu werden Eine Geldbuße etwa dreimal höher zu zahlen. Für Ausländer, können die oben mag wie ein Shakedown, aber das ist, wie das System funktioniert und es ist ein Teil und Paket der Nutzung der Melbourne öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln. Auch Vorsicht muss beim Tippen auf Karten angewendet werden, da einige Konsolen für das Antippen auf eine Reise und andere für die Überprüfung des Wertes sind. Und wenn Sie mischen sie und versehentlich tippen Sie auf eine Karte Überprüfung Konsole, dann werden Sie von Fahrpreis Steuerfalle beschuldigt werden, wenn Sie gefangen und gezwungen, eine Geldstrafe zahlen. Dieser Fehler wird leicht vermieden, indem Sie die Informationen unten sehr sorgfältig lesen. Die Konsolen sind in verschiedenen Farben und haben unterschiedliche Pieptongeräusche. Besuchern von Melbourne wird empfohlen, die ÖPNV-Website zu überprüfen, um die verschiedenen Verfahren und Konsolenfarben und Signaltöne zu verstehen, bevor Sie das System aufgrund des hohen Bußgeldrisikos verwenden. Ausländische Besucher dürfen nicht zum Lesen von Handbüchern verwendet werden, bevor sie öffentliche Verkehrsmittel in anderen Ländern benutzen, aber in Melbourne ist es wichtig, die Website des öffentlichen Verkehrs zu lesen und sich mit den Nutzungsbedingungen vertraut zu machen, bevor Sie öffentliche Verkehrsmittel in Melbourne benutzen. Bevor Sie myki benutzen, sollten Sie das VFTM-Handbuch lesen. Beachten Sie insbesondere Kapitel 8 Seite 55-60. Es ist erhältlich unter ptv. vic. gov. au. Es erwähnt, dass, wenn ein Kunde an einem myki Leser anfängt, Lichter auf dem Leser und ein hörbarer Ton sie auf den Status der Berührung aufmerksam werden. Wenn ein myki einem myki Leser präsentiert wird und kein Licht oder Ton auftritt, ist das Ticket nicht gelesen worden und ist nicht für Reisen gültig. Das Handbuch besagt auch, dass, wenn ein Kunde versucht zu berühren, aber nicht zu berühren, wird die Berührung durch das System als Touch auf verarbeitet werden. In diesem Fall kann nachträglich ein Standardpreis berechnet werden. Ein Kunde, der nicht berührt hat, wird nicht in der Lage sein, über die Fahrkartenschranken an Bahnhöfen auszusteigen und einen Mitarbeiter zur Unterstützung zu sehen. Ein Kunde, der nicht berührt hat, muss an der Fahrscheinschranke anfassen und kann anschließend einen Default-Tarif in Rechnung stellen. Beachten Sie, dass, wenn ein Myki nicht berührt wird, ist es nicht gültig für Reisen und der Kunde kann eine Vor-Ort-Strafgebühr von 75 berechnet werden. Alle Zug und die meisten Straßenbahnen und Busse sind für ältere Menschen und Behinderte zugänglich. Kinder unter 16 Jahren und australische Senioren-Karte Inhaber sind berechtigt für billigere Konzession Tarife, die an Bahnhöfen gekauft werden müssen. Obwohl PTV-Dienste derzeit nicht auf Google Maps gelistet sind, stehen PTV-Apps für iPhone und Android zur Verfügung und ein Reiseplaner-Tool ist auf der Website verfügbar. Dienstleistungen in der Regel von 5 Uhr bis Mitternacht, mit erweiterten Dienstleistungen am Freitag und Samstag Nächte. Züge Bearbeiten Alle Nahverkehrszüge fahren von der Flinders Street Station ab. Gegenüber dem Federation Square im Stadtzentrum. Viele Linien laufen auch durch den City Loop. Die mit der Southern Cross Station und drei U-Bahn Stationen rund um den Rand des CBD verbindet: Parlament, Melbourne Central und Flagstaff Blick für die blauen Schilder. Züge laufen häufig während des ganzen Tages, aber können während der Spitzenzeiten morgens und abends gedrängt werden. Das Netz kann auch den Signalisierungsproblemen, dem Wetter und der extremen Hitze zum Opfer fallen, die aktuellsten Service-Informationen sind von der Metro Trains-Website 26 oder dem Twitter-Konto 27 verfügbar. Wenn Sie in den Hauptverkehrszeiten reisen, kann es sinnvoll sein, extra zu erlauben Reisezeit. Alle Züge sind klimatisiert (Allerdings kann es nicht immer funktionieren), und die meisten großen Stationen haben Personal, Badezimmer und andere Einrichtungen. Southern Cross Station ist zweifelsohne die am besten ausgestattete Station in der CBD - seine Toilettenanlagen, zwei Supermärkte, Informationsstand und allgemeine Annehmlichkeiten sind von internationalem Standard. Trams Edit Melbournes iconic Tram-Netzwerk ist das größte Tram-Netzwerk in der Welt28. Und bedeckt einen großen Teil der inneren und mittleren Vorstädte. Eine kostenlose City Circle Tram 29 läuft rund um die CBD und Docklands Bereich mit Erbe braunen W-Klasse Straßenbahnen. Von Anfang 2015 gibt es eine freie Tram-Zone 30 im CBD, einschließlich die Docklands. Die Benutzung der Straßenbahnen in dieser Zone erfordert keinen Myki. Wenn Sie einen Myki haben und nur innerhalb dieser Zone unterwegs sind, nicht berühren, da dies als Zone 1 Reise registrieren wird. Äußerste Vorsicht bei der Benutzung der Free Tram Zone, da Inspektoren oft die Straßenbahn an einer Haltestelle direkt außerhalb der Zone einsteigen oder an der Haltestelle zum Aussteigen der Passagiere warten. Erwarten Sie keine Nachsicht von ihnen, wenn sie ohne einen gültigen Myki gefangen. Wie das Zugnetz können Trams während der Hauptverkehrszeiten besonders entlang Hauptrouten wie Swanston, Collins und Burke Streets gedrängt werden. Die meisten sind klimatisiert, und die Mehrheit der CBD-Tram-Haltestellen sind jetzt Rollstuhl-freundlich. Busse Edit Busse neigen dazu, Bereiche ohne Zug - oder Tramverbindungen zu verbinden, mit einigen Ausnahmen, häufig Service-Haupteinkaufszentren, mittlere und äußere Vororte. Die Melbourne Visitor Shuttle 31 Links Attraktionen in der CBD, Carlton und Docklands alle 15 Minuten für eine Pauschale von 5 pro Tag. Melbourne Bus Company 32 - Melbourne Bus Unternehmen bieten Bus-und Busvermietung in Melbourne und ganz Victoria. Melbourne Bus und Bus 33 - Busse, Reisebusse und Minibus für private Gruppe hier für Reisen in Melbourne und darüber hinaus. Victorian Touring Coaches 34 - Victorian Touring Coaches sind in Moorabbin, in der Nähe von Melbourne basiert und haben Luxusklasse Fahrzeuge für Langstrecken-Vermietung und Charter. Mit dem Fahrrad Editieren Melbourne hat ein ausgezeichnetes Netz von Radwegen und ein allgemein flaches Gelände, wodurch Pedal-Power eine großartige Möglichkeit, in der Stadt zu nehmen. Die meisten Wege sind geteilte Fußwege nach dem Gesetz, obwohl die Mehrheit der Nutzer in den meisten Orten sind Radfahrer. Dies bedeutet, dass Radfahrer erwarten, den Weg mit Fußgängern, Hund-Wanderer, Rollerblätter, Jogger, Kinderwagen und Dreiräder teilen. Einige Wege beinhalten Straßenabschnitte (markierte Radwege). Es ist legal, auf Wanderwegen zu radeln, nur wenn man Radfahrer betreut oder wenn der Weg markiert oder beschildert ist. Helme sind gesetzlich vorgeschrieben, und Vorsicht ist geboten, wenn man in der Nähe von rutschigen Straßenbahngleisen radelt, wo viele in der Vergangenheit verletzt wurden. Reflektierende Kleidung und Lichter sind wichtig für sichere Nachtfahrten. Trails bearbeiten Yarra River Trail. 35. Läuft von der Mündung des Melbournes ikonischen Yarra River, durch die Stadt und weiter nach Westerfolds Park in den äußeren Vororten. Obwohl gewarnt werden, dass die Spur manchmal verschwindet auf einer Straße ohne Richtungen überhaupt, so ist eine Karte obligatorisch, diese zu folgen. 160dit Hauptstadt der Stadt. 36. Läuft eine Schaltung durch Melbournes inneren Vororten, die Docklands Bezirk und die Stadt. Sein eine gute Weise, ein Stück des täglichen Lebens zu sehen. 160dit Bucht-Spur. 37. Eine angenehme Wanderung rund um Port Phillip Bay, von Port Melbourne aus, durch die belebten Strand-Seite Bezirk von St. Kilda, vorbei an der berühmten Badehütten von Brighton, den ganzen Weg nach Carrum. Ein Punt betreibt unter der West Gate Bridge an Wochenenden und Feiertagen, die einen Start in Altona Meadows entlang der Williamstown Trail, über den Punt, und Beitritt mit der Bay Trail. There is no cyclist access permitted to the West Gate Bridge. 160edit Detailed maps of the bike path network can be found online 38. Bike rental Edit Melbourne Bike Share. 39. Bikes cost 2.50 per day, as long as you return the bike each 30 minutes. 5 bike helmets can be bought at 7-Eleven stores throughout the city centre and can be refunded for 3 at 7-Elevens. 160edit Rentabike. Vault 14 Princes Walk ( Near Federation Square, Federation Wharf, on the north side of the Yarra. ), 61 417 339 203. 40. 160edit Freddys Bike Tours amp Rental. ( Batman Park next to the Melbourne Aquarium or delivery anywhere within Melbourne free of charge. ), 61 431610431 (jamesfreddysbiketours. au ), 41. Bicycle hire and bike rentals. Also offers a range of guided bicycle tours through various Melbourne precincts. From 25. 160edit A folding bike of 20 wheel base is very convenient when traveling in the city. In addition when in folded condition it can be carried on bus, train and CountryLink without any additional charges. Just tell the driver that it will be folded and hand carried as baggage. As for inter-city train, avoid rush hour (7AM-9AM and 5PM-6PM). If the wheelchair area is not occupied then the bike can be parked in this area safely without folding. By car Edit The major car rental chains are well-represented and include Redspot. Avis, Budget, Europcar, Hertz amp Thrifty. Independent car rental companies are also plentiful and can offer good value for money. If you are looking to cover a long distance by car, ensure your rental policy includes unlimited mileage - most economy to standard sized car rental include this already. There are a handful of intersections in the city centre and in South Melbourne, along Clarendon St. where you must do a Hook turn to turn right due to tram tracks running down the centre of the road. Follow the signs, pull to the left of the intersection if you are turning right, as far forward as possible, and when the light for the street you are turning into turns green (the traffic on the street you are on stops) make the turn. Check out CityLinks 42 site for details of Melbournes T-shaped tollway which links the Westgate, Tullamarine and Monash (formerly South-Eastern) freeways. It is a fully electronic road with no manual tollgates. You can buy a day pass in advance, or within 3 days of having driven down it, giving your registration and car details. You can do this by phone, Internet, or at some Shell petrol stations. The registered owner of the car will get a fine in the mail if you do not buy a pass within 3 days. The tolled sections are indicated with blue and yellow signs, rather than the standard green and white. CityLink can cut a worthwhile amount of time from your journey, especially if you are driving from, say, the south-eastern suburbs to Melbourne Airport. Motorcycles are free, cars are around 11day. Larger vehicles are more. The EastLink tollway has recently been completed. Formerly called the Scoresby, then the Mitcham-Frankston freeway, it links the Eastern, Monash, Frankston and Mornington Peninsula freeways. Like the CityLink, it is a fully electronic road with no toll gates. If you have a tag or account, tolls range from 28c for short trips on some segments, to a toll cap of 5.15. Weekends are 20 off, and motorcycles are half price. If you dont have a tag or account, passes are available for the cost of the trip cap (e. g. travelling one way will cost you 5.15 in a car). Passes are available online at 43 and can be purchased before or up to 3 days after the trip. Tags from other Australian cities work on CityLink and the EastLink tollway, but passes do not. One option for travel on both CityLink and EastLink is the Melbourne Pass. It costs 5.50 to start up an account, and tolls are debited from your credit card automatically once the accumulated tolls and fees reach 10, or when the pass expires (after 30 days, but can be extended once for another 30 days). No tag is required. The pass can be purchased online at 44 In the centre, parking at meters and ticket machines can be as much as 5.50 per hour. Motorcycles and scooters are well catered for as footpath parking is both free and legal (providing the footpath is not obstructed). Scooters are becoming very common, however for all size scooters a motorcycle license must be held. By taxi Edit Yellow Melbourne taxis are ubiquitous in the centre but less often spotted in the suburbs. The largest companies are 13CABS 45 ( 13-CABS132227) and Silver Top 46 ( 131008) as all of them ampmdash. Taxis are generally yellow, but as of November 2014, there are also silver taxis. Fares are standardized so that the meter starts ticking at 3.20 and clocks up 1.617km, meaning that short hops within the centre can go for under 10 but longer hauls get pretty expensive pretty fast. Midnight-5AM is 20 more, booking by phone or taking a taxi from the airport costs 2 extra and sitting in traffic is 0.56min. Between 10PM and 5AM, taxi fares are prepaid . you pay an estimated sum to the driver in advance and the fare is corrected on arrival. Some taxi companies do not provide a lost property service. Lost items by law must be forwarded to the police if they are not claimed. Melbournes taxi network is fairly safe, although waiting for a taxi at a rank can sometimes become violent due to the lack of taxis compared to demand (particularly outside Flinders Street, but there is a police box next to the rank which generally operates at night). Melbourne is a huge city. so all individual listings should be moved to the appropriate district articles . and this section should contain a brief overview. Please help to move listings if you are familiar with this city. Melbourne attractions are here listed according to their respective districts. See the district pages for full details. City Centre Edit NewQuay in Melbourne Docklands The City Centre has much to attract the traveller, including theatres, art galleries, cafs, boutiques, plenty of live music, department stores, and interesting Victorian architecture, which can all be sampled on foot. Flinders Street Railway Station 8212 Arguably the defining landmark of Melbourne, a nice, colonial-era railway station at the junction of Flinders Street and Swanston Street. The main entrance is known for several clocks hanging over it, and is a popular meeting spot for locals. Meet you under the clocks at Flinders Street station is in the DNA of every Melburnian. Docklands 8212 An entire new precinct filled with shops, bars, restaurants and things to do for all the family as well as a large sports stadium with a waterside setting. Boat trips touring Melbournes rivers and Port Philip Bay leave from here. Eureka Tower 8212 Tallest observation deck building in Melbourne, panoramic views of the whole of Melbourne. Parliament House of Victoria 8212 The first seat of the Australian federal government, free tours are available on week days. Queen Victoria Market 8212 The largest open-air market in the southern hemisphere, Vic Market as its nicknamed is huge and colourful with an assortment of fresh and dry produce, souvenirs and other interesting things. A must-see experience. State Library 8212 Worthwhile if youre into books, amazing city architecture and free internet. Also has the former largest Domed Reading Room in the world, capable of holding over 1 million books. Southgate 8212 Pretty promenade on the south bank of the Yarra, with lively restaurants, bars and a Sunday art amp craft market. Federation Square 8212 Modernistic and popular meeting space - fascinating architecture - to see Melburnians enjoy life whilst sitting down at cafes and bars. Also the home of the Australian Centre for the Moving Image, galleries, and more Immigration Museum 8212 Located on Flinders Street, explore the moving stories of people from all over the world who have migrated to Australia Police Museum 8212 Also located on Flinders Street, see over 150 years of stories and displays of crime, justice, courage, forensic techniques and examples of how police are making Victoria a safer place to live. Old Melbourne Gaol (Jail). 377 Russel St ( between La Trobe St and Victoria St ), 47. Daily 09:30-17:00. A 1900s era gaol that held many famous criminals of the era (including Ned Kelly). The tour is self guiding, although there are often interpretive guides scattered throughout. The tour mainly consists of informational signs in each cell along with some videos and artefacts. Not the most exciting for young kids. Recently added is the crime and justice experience which involves being arrested and placed in a modern era jail. Could be a little scary for younger kids. 23, concession 18, kids 12. 160edit The Yarra 8212 famous as the river that flows upside down (because of its brown colouration) the Yarra winds its way through the heart of Melbourne with beautiful walks, enjoyable boat trips, and frequent opportunities to picnic or use the public free BBQs along the riverside by the botanical gardens for the full Aussie eating experience. Shrine of Remembrance 8212 Located on St Kilda Road, Major War Memorial with unique Ray of Light demonstration every half hour. Also offering panoramic views of Melbourne parks from rooftop balcony. Coops Shot Tower 8212 50m high shot tower from 1888, incorporated into Melbourne Central complex underneath a 84m high glass roof Carlton Edit The attractions in Carlton are mostly historical as it houses the Melbourne museum, and cultural with its strong Italian heritage. Melbourne Museum 8212 It is the largest museum in the Southern Hemisphere and home to seven main galleries, a childrens gallery and a temporary exhibit gallery on three levels, Upper, Ground and Lower Level. Lygon and Rathdowne Streets 8212 Crammed with Italian restaurants, gelatarias and coffee shops, which all serve some of Melbournes best hospitality. IMAX Cinema 8212 Right next to the museum. It shows both new releases and documentary films, in 3-D format. Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens 8212 UNESCO World Heritage site (tours available through the museum). Parkville Edit Melbourne Zoo 8212 Usual assortment of zoo animals in a natural-like setting with lots of Australian native species too. Jazz at the Zoo is a popular weekend evening function over the summer months for a picnic, music and evening stroll around the animal enclosures. University of Melbourne 8212 The premier university of Victoria, and internationally recognised as a leading university, it is a hub of students, fine Victorian architecture and gorgeous sprawling gardens. St Kilda Edit St Kilda is Melbournes beach-side nightlife precinct and is a tremendously popular area for beachcombers and those looking to grab a bite or sip on a latte by the sea. Luna Park 8212 Historic amusement park built in 1912. St Kilda Pier 8212 Popular spot for fishing and walking. St Kilda Esplanade 8212 Fine place for walking, skating, sunbathing and on Sundays, discovering new treasures at the Esplanade Sunday market. St Kilda Botanical Gardens 8212 With the first trees planted in 1859, the Botanical Gardens are a sprawling oasis of tranquility and greenery. Jewish Museum of Australia 8212 Depicts the history of the Jewish community in Australia. South Yarra Edit Greenery and high-end living are the main draws to South Yarra . Chapel StreetToorak Road 8212 Kilometer-long strip of fashionable but often unaffordable shops plus some top end restaurants to match. Royal Botanic Gardens. Birdwood Avenue, South Yarra, Victoria, Australia. 61 3 9252 2300. 48. Features nice old trees, drought tolerant displays, a cafe and grassy places to loll about. The Childrens Garden is fun with streams, fountains, hidden paths, etc. In summer you can see outdoor movies and Shakespeare plays. You will feel miles away from the city next door as soon as you step in the garden. Frei. 160edit Prahran Edit Prahran lies to the south of the city and shopping is the main draw. Chapel Street 8212 Famous for its street cafes and designer fashion boutiques. Cheaper stores are found at its southern end. Prahran Market is a market dedicated to the finest quality fresh food. You can find gourmet delights here that you will find in no other place in Melbourne. Prahran Market also has childrens activities and a large Market Square to sit and enjoy. Commercial Road 8212 Known for food and shops. Northern Melbourne Edit Tullamarine 8212 Home to Melbournes International airport. Woodlands Historic Park 8212 Immediately north of Melbourne Airport, contains an 1840s homestead and a nature reserve. Southern suburbs Edit Brighton 8212 Melbournes prime bayside suburb featuring excellent upmarket cafes and boutique shops. This suburb is truly a national treasure Brighton Beach 8212 One of Melbournes favoured beaches, be sure to check out the famous bathing boxes, brightly coloured boxes that are dotted along the sand. FitzroyCollingwood Edit FitzroyCollingwood - Trendy bohemian suburbs north of the CBD, filled with eclectic cafes and stores. Brunswick St - Long and lively cafebar strip with cheap and decent eats. Gertrude St - Charming street with cafes, bars, and unique clothing (and other) shops and art galleries. Currently running an after dark light show. Centre of the local Aboriginal community. Johnston St - Western end is home of the local Hispanic community. Many restraunts, bars and pubs, and the infamous Tote Hotel. Smith St - Slightly run down yet charming street with cafes, bars, and unique clothing (and other) shops. Footy fever It may be called Australian rules football, but the city that rules the game is Melbourne: until 1987, every team in what was then the Victorian Football League was based in Melbourne or Geelong, and even today 10 of 18 teams in the AFL hail from the city. The season runs through winter from late March to late September, with big matches drawing up to 100,000 spectators. For the first-time spectator, the footy looks like untrammeled mayhem, with the oval rugby-style ball carried, kicked, bounced or even punched 8212 but never thrown 8212 across the oval pitch while the opposing teams players tried to grab it or pummel its holder into submission. The objective is simple enough: to kick the ball between the two tall goalposts (scoring 6 points), or barring that at least between a goal post and the shorter post next to it (a behind . scoring 1 point). No protective equipment of any kind is used and almost anything goes when tackling, although traditionalists bemoan the recent banning of moves like grabbing a players arms from behind and ramming them into the ground head first All that said, footy fans are a surprisingly well-behaved lot and hooliganism is nearly unknown, with plenty of families and little old ladies attending matches. Tickets can be booked in advance online, depending on the game, but for most games you can simply show up at the stadium before the match, with general admission tickets starting from around 20. See interesting films at the Art Deco-styled Astor Theatre 49 in St Kilda. There are several moonlight cinema programmes in summer. The Melbourne International Film Festival 50 is on in August. Try your luck with the Australian National Lottery . Alternately, visit the Cinema Nova on Lygon Street (tram 1 or 8) on a Monday for 6 films before 4PM. Melbourne is also known for great street art often located down narrow laneways this art is displayed on approved outdoor locations. Learn about aboriginal culture and history at the Koorie Heritage Trust 51 Visit a comedy club. The Comics Lounge 52 has shows for 10-25 including a show filmed for Channel 31 on Mondays, or dinner and show for 45. The Comedy Club 53 has dinner and show for 32 and shows only beginning at 7 (discount ticket price). Alternatively the comedy festival runs through most of April all over Melbourne. Watch the mesmerising process of personalised hard candy being hand-made at Suga 54. Around lunch time is a good time to see (and sample). There is a store at Queen Victoria Market, but if you visit the Royal Arcade location, you can also watch chocolate making next door at Koko Black 55 . Watch a game of AFL football 56 at the MCG or Etihad Stadium during the winter, or a Cricket Match 57 during the summer. Kick back at one of Melbournes fantastic cafes in the CBD (Degraves St, The Causeway, and other laneways are fantastic for this), South Yarra (Chapel Street) or Fitzroy (Brunswick Street, Smith Street). Melbourne has an exceptionally vibrant live music scene. Many bars and pubs will have copies of the free magazines Beat and Inpress which provide local gig guides. Fitzroy, Collingwood and St. Kilda are generally your best bets for seeing some of the great local talent Melbourne has to offer. Venues where you generally cant go wrong include: The Tote, The Evelyn and The Espy. The Black Light Mini Golf 58 is located at the Docklands. This is an 18 hole mini golf range designed around an Australiana theme. It is under black light with a light and sound system and featuring fluorescent colours. If your game you could also take a ride in a Coffin.59 Indoor rock climbing with a view. 60 Hardrock on Swanston street has an indoor climbing wall suitable for beginners and advanced climbers. Want kitesurfing lessons 61 GoKite offers the high standard kiteboarding tuition to meet your needs. GoKite operates at Melbournes most central teaching location - West Beach, St Kilda. Call them today to get started on your kiteboarding adventure Melbourne is an excellent place to master your photography skills. So many places to take a fantastic picture. For maps of the hot spots check the Melbourne photo blog MEL365 62. You can use the full screen map with all the spots or just follow the daily photo. The website includes as well all the photo exhibition running in Melbourne. Things to do in Melbourne with kids. 63. Find things to do for families with kids in Melbourne. 160edit Learn Edit You can take language classes, join a cafe book group, learn to draw, sign up for historical walk, foodie walk, or photography walk-shop, study for your Victorian Certificate of Education or take computer or business classes at the Council of Adult Education (CAE) 64. The CAE is also home to the City Library 65 where you can sign up to borrow books or just read magazines in their cafe. Melbourne is home to some of both the nation and worlds best Universities. The University of Melbourne is situated in Parkville, and is regularly ranked as the best University in Australia. Monash University is located in Clayton, in Melbournes South. Both Universities are members of the exclusive Group of Eight Universities of Australia. Also to note are La Trobe University, Swinburne University, RMIT, Deakin University, Australian Catholic University and Victoria University. This list is not exhaustive, and Victorians are spoilt for choice in the quality of Tertiary education available. The most popular industry for a working holiday is to work in hospitality jobs around the St. Kilda area. The wages in all other industries are usually much better than working in hospitality but require more specific skills. At the moment there are a lot of job offers for nurses and craftsmen. Fruit picking is a possible source of income but in the greater Melbourne area but there are not many jobs offered. You will find better chances are in the dairy business but you should have some basic experience. Grape vine tending is another possibility in the near by Yarra Valley. There are many websites that are focused on job hunting in Melbourne including local job board Jobs Melbourne and Swift Jobs. Shopping hours in metro Melbourne are typically 7 days a week, 9AM-5:30PM weekdays (from April 22, 2014 CBD trading hours for Myer Emporium Centre and Melbourne Central and nearby areas will be extended to 7pm, but 9pm trading on Thursday and Friday is unchanged) and 9AM( maybe later)- 5PM weekends. Most suburban shopping centres such as Chadstone have later closing hours on Thursdays and Fridays - mostly up to 9PM. Supermarkets have extended hours 7 days, the majority opening at 7AM and closing at midnight or 1AM, however there are many 24 hour supermarkets around. Alcohol in Victoria can be purchased at licensed shopsvenues and supermarkets often have an adjoining bottle shop, which close earlier than supermarket hours. Some supermarkets that close at the same time as their licence stock alcohol in the supermarket. You need to be over 18 years old to purchase alcohol. Most bottleshops close by 10PM to midnight (even on weekends), but some open until 3AM (e. g. on Riversdale road in Booroondara and Russell St Melbourne), and 24-hour bottleshops on both Chapel and Lygon streets, in Stonnington and Melbourne respectively. City Shopping Edit The historic Block Arcade on Collins Street Bourke Street Mall Melbourne is known as the fashion capital of Australia with numerous malls and boutique lined streets. In the CBD itself, Little Collins Street is home to some of the worlds top designers and fashion houses Collins Street also boasts other high end shops such as Louis Vuitton. Brunswick Street (Fitzroy), and the southern end of Chapel Street in PrahranWindsor, have clusters of stores selling an eclectic mix of vintage, rave, retro and alternative gear such as Shag, Fat Helens and Beaut Vintage to shop around. Melbourne Central is another shopping mall based in the city, adjacent to the underground station of the same name. The Bourke Street Mall with the department stores Myer and David Jones is another city-central shopping hub. Emporium connects Myer and David Jones to Melbourne Central and containing a large number of Australian and International brands. For the bargain shopper, there is a DFO Outlets Centre located at South Wharf, on the southern bank of the Yarra River. It is located next to the Convention Centre. It is also worth noting, for Backpackers, that Elizabeth Street has plenty of Bargain backpackers stores, for example Mitchells Adventure (255-257 Elizabeth Street), which can offer outdoor products for bargain prices. Suburban Shopping Edit Bridge Road 66 in Richmond is a strip where warehouse direct outlets rule and no one pays recommended retail price. Chapel Street in South Yarra is a favourite among the locals, with its spread of exclusive boutiques, cafes and well established chain stores. There are also several huge shopping complexes in the outer suburbs, such as Chadstone and Southland (Cheltenham) in the South-East. Westfield Doncaster Shoppingtown, (about 20 minutes from the city and recently vastly expanded). Eastland (Ringwood) and Knox City are in the outer East. Northland in the north, Highpoint in the west. Chadstone in Monash is the largest shopping centre in the Southern Hemisphere with over 530 stores. Looking for something in particular Edit For those in the bridal market, High Street in Armadale, Stonnington and Sydney Road in Brunswick. Moreland are the two main clusters for bridal apparel and accessories. For those who are looking for local, aspiring designer creations, try Greville Street in South Yarra. Stonnington or Smith Street and surrounds in Fitzroy. To buy funny souvenirs and Australian typical stuff, walk or take the tram to Victoria Market . Youll find all you need there and the price is usually a half or a third of the prices in the souvenir shops downtown. For the culinary traveller, Melbourne is one of the best destinations in the world. There is an abundance of affordable, high quality restaurants representing almost every cuisine. Eating out is cheaper than in Western Europe but not as affordable as North America. The service in Australian restaurants may be more discreet than many North Americans may be used to. Although service staff in Australia are paid considerably more than their North American counterparts and tipping is not compulsory, a tip for good service is always welcomed. Excellent eateries can be found sprinkled throughout all of the inner (and some outer) suburbs, while certain neighbourhoods have become magnets for residents and restaurants of particular countries. A large range of restaurants and cafes offering high quality food, and representating various cultures and countries, are scattered through the central city, Southbank, Carlton (mostly Italian and touristy), Victoria Street in Richmond (many low cost popular Vietnamese and South East Asian restaurants), Docklands, South Yarra and Prahran. Sydney Road in Brunswick and Coburg is known for its many Middle Eastern, Lebanese, Greek and Turkish restaurants. The popular tourist area of St Kilda offers a large range of good quality restaurants and cafes, especially on Acland Street, and Fitzroy Street. English-style fish and chip shops are scattered through the suburbs - particularly in bayside areas. Souvlaki and gyros are very popular in Melbourne and outlets are plentiful through the inner and outer suburbs. Japanese nori rolls and sushi is very popular and many stores through the city and suburbs sell these items. There are also a number of ongoingpop-up markets and festivals dedicated to food. One of the larger and more well known food markets is the Queen Victoria Night Market held on Wednesday evenings 17:00-22:00. And dont overlook the growing food truck culture, with some of Melbournes amazing chefs now starting up their own trucks, it is an experience not to be missed. African Edit There is a concentration of African cafes in Nicholson St, Footscray and Racecourse Road, Flemington. Most serve a small range of Ethiopian cuisine and coffee, and are frequented by the local African residents. The Abyssinian is a well-regarded EritreanEthiopian restaurant popular for locals and tourists for a more elaborate dinner. The stewed foods are served on a large pancake in the middle of the table. Everyone eats with their hands which is messy but fun. Australian Edit Australian cuisine is a nebulous concept that may include traditional native foodstuffs and more modern cafe infusions of international influences. Items such a emu and kangaroo meat are available, however tend to be found only at the high-end fine dining restaurants as a speciality item. You can find great kangaroo steaks at the Napier Hotel (Napier Street, Fitzroy) for around 30, or at the Edinburgh Castle pub on Sydney Road, Brunswick for around 26. You can also find kangaroo products at some larger supermarkets they are growing enormously in popularity due to their high level of nutrition. Ten good quality sausages can be purchased for around 15 at your local Coles or Woolworths supermarket. Kangaroo meat is also usually available from the meat section of the Queen Victoria Market 67. Meat pies are available from bakeries and convenience stores. The best pie really comes down to personal taste and preference, however it is arguably a poor decision to base your opinion on this much loved Australian staple on a pie from a convenience store - head to a bakery in the suburbs, or if in the CBD, Pie-Face offers very good quality pies, at a price similar to that of convenience stores. Other foods considered to be Australian include lamingtons, Vegemite, and roast lamb. All of these products are widely available from just about any supermarket, no matter how small. Vegemite is ubiquitous and likely to be included with the buffet breakfast of any hotel or hostel, so be sure to try some spread on hot buttered toast. Whilst its an acquired taste, the product is synonymous with breakfast (Brekky) in Australia. Be warned - a little goes a long way Cafdelicatessen food Edit High quality delicatessen style eating available in many of a cafes in the small lanes of central Melbourne. Many high quality deli style diners can be found outside the city, in Acland Street, St Kilda. Chinese Edit Chinese cuisine has a long tradition in Melbourne and a large number and range of quality restaurants exist. Many are in Chinatown in Little Bourke Street, City centre. They are also dotted through the inner and outer suburbs, with concentrations in Richmond, Footscray, and suburban Box Hill, Glen Waverley and Springvale. Most of the food is from the Southern (Cantonese) school of cooking, although Northern favourites like dumplings are also available. Eating dim sum, which is consumed either during breakfast or lunch (called yum cha or drinking tea in Cantonese) is an extremely popular Sunday pastime for Australians of all ethnic backgrounds. If youre after a budget option (meals 5-10), try Camys dumpling house (Shanghai style dumplings) on Tattersalls Lane in the CBD. In the evening, the easiest - and most amusing - option is the all-you-can eat service for 12 per person. Service is dicey, but always exciting. Greek Edit Lonsdale Street in the City Centre is Melbournes Greek precinct with bars, cafes and restaurants, and cake shops. Greek restaurants and food outlets can be found in Sydney Road in Brunswick, Swan Street, Richmond, Coburg and Oakleigh in the south eastern suburbs which have many Greek cafes specialising in frappe, cakes and good souvlaki. Indian Edit Indian restaurants can be found throughout Melbourne, particularly in the city, North Melbourne, and inner eastern suburbs such as Richmond and Hawthorn. There are also numerous Indian snack bars in the city that serve cheap but tasty curries and samosas, cafeteria-style. Nepalese food is also popular in Melbourne, and some restaurants feature both Nepalese and Indian cuisine on their menus. An increasing number of Indian restaurants offer home delivery. Indonesian Edit Befitting its large number of Indonesian students, Melbourne has many Indonesian restaurants. One of the most famous is Blok M on Commercial Rd, Prahran, which many famous Indonesians have visited. Another popular restaurant is Nelayan with two restaurants on Swanston Street and Glenferrie Rd, Agung on Glenferrie Road, Bali Bagus on Franklin Street, Es Teler 77 on Swanston St, Nusantara in Caulfield and Bali Bowl on Flinders Lane. There are also Warung Gudeg, specialising in Jogjakartan local cuisine, as well as Pondok Bamboe Koening, focusing on serving Indonesian noodles to locals in Clayton. Warung Agus in West Melbourne serves Balinese cuisine on a rather upscale atmosphere. Italian Edit With its large Italian population Melbourne has countless Italian restaurants, mostly offering food from the southern regions of the Italian peninsular. Italian cafes and restaurants are plentiful throughout Melbourne but are in the greatest concentration in Lygon Street, Carlton. just north of the city centre. Lygon Street is where Melbournes coffee culture originated. Suburban Italian restaurants are often large and family orientated and tend towards the pizza, pasta, seafood and steak formula. Pizza outlets are very much part of the Melbourne landscape. These include Piazza 51 in Sydney Road, Brunswick, Spiga in Melbourne Central, Pizza Meine Liebe in Northcote, and countless options in Lygon Street. Japanese Edit A quick sushi take away lunch can be bought on almost every block where there is food. In and out of Chinatown there are also plenty of places that have good bento, udon and donburi as well. For dinner, many of the inner city suburbs have Japanese restaurants, but in the city itself there is a long an interesting Japanese restaurant history that continues to this day. Both Melbournes oldest, Kunis (which has been around since 1978) and its sister restaurant Kenzans are known for a very authentic, if expensive, meal. There are a plethora of choices for those on stricter budgets as well. JewishKosher Edit St. Kilda East and Caulfield are home to vibrant Jewish communities and kosher bakeries and cafes abound most situated on Carlisle Street in Balaclava, Kooyong Road in Caulfield North and Glenhuntly Road in Elsternwick. MalaysianSingapore Edit Malaysians and Singaporeans feeling homesick will find a host of restaurants and foodcourt outlets offering items like roti canaiparatha, nasi lemak, prawn noodles, laksa, ayam kapitan, otak otak etc. Many are in the City Centre there are Malaysian restaurants scattered throughout Melbourne. The remarkable Malaysian restaurant here are Laksa King in Flemington offering vibrant atmosphere, Jade Kingdom in Rosanna with casual family dining experience, Blue Chillies in Fitzroy in a fine dining setup and offering nyonya food in Docklands. Middle Eastern Edit Arab, Lebanese, Moroccan and Turkish restaurants tend to be concentrated in Sydney Road in Brunswick and Coburg to the north of the city centre. Half Moon Cafe on Sydney Road (near Bell St) makes particularly good falafel. These restaurants can also be found in the outer suburbs that are home to those communities, including Dandenong. Thai restaurants are ubiquitous in Melbourne: even dining precincts mostly known for Italian or Vietnamese food boast Thai restaurants. Vegetarian Edit Vegetarian food is widely available in Melbourne, and you can expect every restaurant or cafe to have a few vegetarian or vegan options. There are also many vegetarian restaurants: Vegie Bar in Brunswick St, Fitzroy, Gopals in Swanston St and Shakahari in Lygon St, Carlton are just some of the options. Crossways at 123 Swanston St. serves a very popular 5 all you can eat vegetarian lunch, Mon-Sat. Most Indian and Thai restaurants throughout the city will either have a large vegetarian menu or give patrons the option of ordering any dish without meat (sometimes with tofu). Trippy Taco on the corner of Gertrude St. and Smith St. in Fitzroy is an all vegetarianvegan Mexican establishment. Around the corner, on Smith St. Las Vegan Cafe is a all vegan hot spot. Lord of the Fries do American style burgers with mock meat, and their food can also be vegan upon request. Lentil as Anything has IndianAfrican styled food that is all you can eat, with a unique pay what you feel system, there are locations in St. Kilda (a la carte), Abbotsford Convent (buffetlive music) and Footscray (buffet), all of the food is vegetarian and they label which of their food are vegan, gluten free etc. Vietnamese Edit Melbournes Little Vietnams are in Footscray. North Richmond and Springvale out in the far eastern suburbs. The streets in these areas are lined with pho (noodle) shops and restaurants offering other Vietnamese favourites. Many outlets have also appeared along Swanston Street in the City Centre. However for convenience to the city and reasonable prices, BarklyHopkins Street in Footscray and Victoria Street in North Richmond are your best bets. Others Edit Spanish, Argentinian, Burmese and Polish restaurants can be found in the RichmondCollingwoodPrahran area. Melbourne has some CajunCreole restaurants and one or two American style diners, but US cuisine is otherwise absent: Foods like Southern-style barbecue and clam chowder have previously been hard to find, however since 20122013 (lead by trail blazers Meat Mother in Swan Street, Richmond) there has been an explosion in the number of American BBQ style restaurants ranging from food trucks, to bars, to high end dining to suite all taste and budgets. Korean restaurants are well represented and are scattered throughout the city. Other cuisines such as Sri Lankan and Afghani can even be found. Drink Edit Coffee Edit Melbourne has a long and rich coffee culture beginning with Victorian era coffee palaces and further enhanced by Italian migrants arriving in the aftermath of World War II. Perhaps the most famous Italian style cafe is Pellegrinis, 66 Bourke St, Melbourne city. Fitzroy is known for funky, bohemian-style cafes. Collins Street features many elegant cafes. Many Italian style cafes are found in Carlton Brunettis is open late and always packed. Serious espresso connoisseurs would enjoy visiting St Ali caferoastery in South Melbourne, Auction Rooms (Errol St) in North Melbourne, or the Maling Room caf in Canterbury. Bars and Clubs Edit Melbourne nightlife is 24 hours, loud, colourful and anything goes. Door policies can be strict but once inside high quality entertainment is guaranteed. DJs, live music, artists, beautiful people and so much more can be found. There truly is something for everyone and every taste. It has a massive live music scene, with many inner-suburbs pubs catering many genres, with drink and food specials all week. The key is to find one you like the most Alongside its many clubs, Melbourne is also a fast-rising festival city. Global event companies such as IDampT, Global Gathering, Ministry of Sound and Trance Energy have begun taking notice of the city and bringing their events. Upcoming electronic music events are well catalogued on inthemix. au The city centre has a number of pubs, the most famous being the Young and Jackson. Melbourne is also famous for its many trendy bars in the CBD. Most of these, however, are down narrow alleys and streets, and are therefore hard to find unless you know where you are going. The inner northern suburbs, such as Collingwood and Fitzroy cater for the young, laid-back, and bohemian crowd. Here you will find lots of live music, cheaper prices, and a relaxed atmosphere. Head for Brunswick and Gertrude Streets in Fitzroy and Smith Street, Collingwood for cafes, bars and live music, while Lygon Street, Carlton has a range of Italian restaurants and cafes with a student vibe, as its located near the University of Melbourne. Victoria Street, North Richmond is the heart of Melbournes Vietnamese community, with many cheap and cheerful restaurants serving good food. Chapel Street Toorak Road in South Yarra and Prahran has the most glamourous bars and clubs. Here, expect high prices, strict dress codes, and beautiful people who want to be seen partying with the best. St. Kilda has a little bit of everything. With its proximity to the beach, it is often regarded as the Melbourne suburb that feels most like Sydney. The past decade has seen a revival of Melbournes inner-city bar scene, with dozens of weird and wonderful watering holes opening up within forgotten alleyways and anonymous lanes of the City Centre (CBD). Melbourne also has its fair share of stylish places to drink, although the better ones can be hard to find. The theory seems to be: the harder your bar is to find, the more people will talk about it. Secrets are tucked around areas like Prahran. South Yarra and many other areas. However there are plenty of alleyway bars, once you find one they seem to pop up everywhere you look. Melbournes clubs often market a members only rule which can upset your more upmarket traveler. The rule is in place to prevent fighting and unappealing groups of men from entering a nice club and destroying the atmosphere. Australian licensing laws are very similar to those in the UK, i. e. you are not allowed to be drunk on licensed premises. In practice though, Melbourne venues and bouncers draw the line very low. It is common to be refused entry to venues - or to be refused service and asked to leave - after 2-3 pints, depending on the venue. Some pubs and clubs are quicker to eject patrons than others, but its only ever a short walk to another. Licensing is more liberal then what one may be used to, as you can still expect to find a drink past 2AM. This has lead to a culture of late night drinking where some venues wont get busy until some time after 11PM, especially true during summer. Melburnians often draw a distinction between bars, meaning the small watering holes described above, and pubs which are larger establishments in the usual Australian or British sense of the word. Melbournes pubs, particularly those in the city and inner suburbs, usually serve restaurant-standard food and a wide range of local and imported beers. Pubs usually offer lunch from approximately midday to 2PM, and reopen their kitchens for dinner from approximately 6PM-10pm Sleep Edit Melbourne is a huge city. so all individual listings should be moved to the appropriate district articles . and this section should contain a brief overview. Please help to move listings if you are familiar with this city. Budget Edit Melbournes budget accommodation options can be found in two main areas, namely in the City Centre and in the seaside suburb of St Kilda. However, outside these two areas, there are also several popular budget options in bohemian Fitzroy. South Melbourne. and Windsor. Please note that around the Melbourne F1 Grand Prix (late March) and other international events, hostel accommodation is booked out and some hostels raise their prices. Be sure to book ahead. Mid-range Edit Accommodation in this price bracket can mostly be found in the city centre. There are however options scattered throughout the suburbs. Splurge Edit The City Centre remains the main area for this category of accommodation. Citigate Melbourne. 270 Flingers St. 61 3 9654 6888. 68. Citigate Melbourne hotel offers contemporary Melbourne city accommodation on Flinders Street, opposite the historic Flinders Street Station. The Flinders Street hotel is close to all Melbournes has to offer. 160edit Grand Hotel Melbourne. 33 Spencer St. 61 3 9611 4567 (toll free: 1300 361 455. grandhotelmelbourneaccor ), 69. This heritage-listed apartment hotel has been restored to retain the style of the 1880s while providing guests with modern facilities. 160edit Hotel Lindrum. 26 Flinders St. 61 3 9668 1111. 70. Hotel Lindrum is a luxurious Melbourne boutique hotel offering stylish accommodation and facilities located in the heart of cosmopolitan Melbourne. Close to all fashion, dining, sporting and cultural attractions. 160edit The Sebel Melbourne. 394 Collins St. 61 3 9211 6600. 71. Melbourne CBD hotel located on the corner of Queens Street and Collins Street in the heart of Melbournes business district. Elegantly restored this 19th century former bank is now an historic Melbourne CBD hotel. 160edit Clarion Suites Gateway. 1 William St. 61 3 9296 8888. 72. checkin: 2PM checkout: 11AM. Recently refurbished Melbourne CBD hotel which is overlooking the Yarra River and is located in the heart of Melbournes central business district. All suite and 4,5 stars Melbourne CBD hotel. ( -37.819375. 144.9598 ) 160edit Melbourne Penthouse Apartments. 148 Flinders St. 61 3 9278 4411. 73. Melbourne Penthouse Apartments is located on Flinders Street Melbourne and is only a short walk way from Federation Square, Flinders Street Train Station and the Southbank precinct. Our Penthouse Apartments offers luxury fully serviced apartments. 160edit The Blackman - An Art Series Hotel. 452 St. Kilda Rd. 61 3 9039 1444. 74. A five-star luxury boutique with 207 rooms. The hotel was named for Artist Charles Blackman and was built within and above the historic Airlie Mansion. 160edit Contact Edit Melbournes old GPO After a fire gutted the original building in 2001, most of Melbournes grand General Post Office (250 Elizabeth St : 13 13 18 Fax: 9203 3078 M-F 8:30AM-5:30PM, Sa 9AM-4PM, Su 10AM-4PM 75 ) has now been turned into an upmarket retail precinct. The main post office in the Melbourne CBD is situated at the corner of Elizabeth and Little Bourke Streets. Poste restante services are now located in a small post office at 380 Bourke St. Phone Edit Payphones are easily found through the city, but many are being phased out due to growing mobile phone ownership. These phones are coin-operated or use prepaid Phonecards, which are available from most convenience stores or newsagents. International calling cards are also available at these outlets. Using a payphone to make a local call will cost you 0.50 (untimed, although some phones limit your call to 15 minutes). Mobile phone coverage within the CBD and surrounds is usually good-to-excellent. All mobile carriers in Melbourne use GSM 8501900, and UMTS 2100 is offered by all carriers except Telstra, who instead offer UMTS 850. By law, you will require some identification to purchase a prepaid (PAYG) SIM card which are sold at most convenience stores, newsagents and supermarkets. This may be requested at time of purchase, andor time of activation. The mobile carriers are Telstra, Optus and Vodafone all other companies use one of these networks. For better value, use Amaysim or Optus Connect 4 Less or Aldi mobile, If you wish to make cheap international calls, Lebara and lycamobile are the best choices. All carriers have good coverage in Melbourne suburban areas and on major highwaystowns in Victoria, with Telstra (or resellers such as Aldi) having the most coverage. Melbournes area code for landline telephones is 03 (internationally dial 613). To make an international direct dial call, the trunk line access code is generally 0011 or simply add a in front of the number if your phone allows. Internet Edit Internet cafes are dotted throughout the city, especially near the backpacker enclaves of St Kilda and Flinders Street. Speeds are usually excellent and rates range from 2.50-12 per hour, the cheapest usually found in combination marketinternet cafes in the Asian parts of town. mag nation. 88 Elizabeth St. This shop has free WiFi. 160edit HiSpeed Internet Kiosks. ( At Spencer Street DFO. ). A chain with many stores across the country. 21 minutes for 2. 160edit e:FiftyFive ( 55 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne ) is like a huge basement lounge room that feels more like a bar than an internet cafe. Great DJs, comfortable couches and dirt-cheap 2hour internet access when you buy a drink attract plenty of travellers and will make writing that email home an enjoyable experience. VA (Bourke Street, Melbourne) is one of the countless but arguably the best internetLAN gaming cafes in Melbourne, which is packed full of hardcore gamers on Sunday afternoons (sponsored competition day). Non-member rates start at 3.50hour while membership costs a mere 15 (includes 12 credit) and benefits include play offers such as 42 hours, 53 hours and 64 hours, as well as day and night packages. Cydus (Victoria Street, North Melbourne) large range of internet usage services every day and at any time (including most public holidays). Non-member rates start at 3hour while membership costs 10 (includes 2 hours free play) and membership rates are 2hour while member offers include Endurance Pass (5 hours play 2.80 snack voucher) and Survival Pass (10 hours play). City Library. 253 Flinders Lane. 76. Free internet access to members (temporary membership available). The library has a free WiMAX network, which is slow when crowded. 160edit The State Library 77. Offers free internet at many workstations and does not require membership (limited to 15 minutes or 1 hour per session, no session limits). You can get a free membership for access to free wireless web access, however, the wireless access is limited and you may not be able to access some sites and services. Printing facilities are also provided for a fee. Melbourne Central shopping centre (corner of Swanston and La Trobe St) has free wireless internet access. Australia on Collins shopping centre (on Collins St) has free wireless internet access. Federation Square (corner of Flinders Street and Swanston Street, outside Flinders Street railway station) is supposedly Australias largest free outdoor wireless hotspot. McDonaldsHungryJacks. Almost all McDonalds and Hungry Jacks branches in town have free WiFi. The network is heavily filtered, and both time and bandwidth are limited, but you should be able to check email and do most basic web browsing. 160edit Consulates Edit Stay safe Edit Melbourne has unfairly gained a reputation of being a violent city, although racial violence has rarely occurred. Use slightly higher amounts if caution in Melbournes red-light districts include King Street, known for its concentration of strip clubs, and certain parts of St Kilda (in particular Grey Street, Inkerman Street and Greeves Street) where there is some illegal street prostitution. Robbery on the train is rare, but it occasionally happens (and when it does, at night). Railway police patrol most services. Muggings, assaults, thefts, vandalism and rape occur (this is VERY rare) With the introduction of armed Protective Service Officers in inner-city stations, crime rates have dropped drastically Melbourne has a strong police presence, as does the remainder of Victoria. The overwhelming majority of Police in Melbourne and indeed Australia are extremely helpful, honest, respectful and reliable Police. Police will nearly always treat you how you treat them. It is possible to talk your way out of minor fines by displaying contrite for the offence and respect for the Officer. You will however, almost certainly be subject to a lengthy lecture. Driving under the influence of alcohol andor drugs is a very serious offence in Victoria, and it is common for police to set up checkpoints (referred to as a booze-bus) and breath test any driver who passes through them. Like the rest of Australia, Melbourne enforces a 0.05 blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit. Such checkpoints often increase (as does a general police presence) during public holidays such as Australia Day, the Easter weekend and the weeks leading up to Christmas and New Years. Take extreme care when crossing tram tracks in and around Melbourne. Trams tend run very fast in Melbourne to avoid disruption with the traffic. There have been recent cases of pedestrians being hit by trams, which can cause life-threatening injuries or even instant death. Even if a tram has passed, look on the other side in case there is another tram approaching. You may not hear the more modern trams as they run fast. Get out Edit Melbourne is fairly centrally located on the coast of Victoria. and there are many natural and man-made attractions that make for a nice day trip. Another way to visit regional Victoria is utilising the VicLink public transport system. Regular train journeys leave from Southern Cross station. Regional attractions include: Melbourne outskirts Edit These places are within an hours drive of central Melbourne. Werribee 8212 Historic mansion and open-range zoo. Dandenong Ranges 8212 National park, gardens, historic steam railway. Wine-tasting in the Yarra Valley. Healesville and the Healesville Sanctuary. Port Phillip Bay scenic drive and the Mornington Peninsula 8212 The seaside resort locations of Sorrento and Portsea, offering both bayside and surf beaches. Mount Donna Buang 8212 winter sightseeing snow. Kinglake National Park . Northern Victoria Edit Southern Victoria Edit Eastern Victoria Edit Western Victoria EditFor other places with the same name, see Melbourne (disambiguation) . Melbourne is a huge city with several district articles containing sightseeing, restaurant, nightlife and accommodation listings have a look at each of them. Melbourne . at the head of Port Phillip Bay, is Australias second largest city and the capital of the south-eastern state of Victoria. Melbourne is Australias cultural capital, with Victorian-era architecture, extensive shopping, museums, galleries, theatres, and large parks and gardens. Its 4-million residents are both multicultural and sports-mad. Reasons to visit Melbourne include major sporting events, using it as a base for exploring surrounding regions such as the Grampians National Park. The Great Ocean Road. and visiting Phillip Island to view the penguin parade. Many UK visitors come to Melbourne for tours of filming locations of the TV soap opera Neighbours . Yarra River and Melbourne skyline Districts edit Central Melbourne edit City Centre (Docklands) Melbournes Central Business District (CBD) and historical core north of the Yarra River, including the new, cosmopolitan Docklands precinct to the west. Innumerable great restaurants, clubs, pubs. The centre of Melbourne throbs with life, reflecting the residents pride in the fact that it is regularly voted the worlds most liveable city. Excellent tram, bus and rail system makes getting around this and other areas simple. Southbank Entertainment, (including a superb art and theatre complex, ballet, opera, and more), fine dining, plus some inexpensive cafes and the vast Crown Casino and entertainment complex. River trips depart from Southbank. St Kilda Sunny beaches and a great restaurant, bar and nightlife scene. South-eastern suburbs Spread along the coast of Port Philip Bay and covers areas like Brighton, Elwood, Sandringham and the cities of Frankston and Dandenong. Its main attraction is the beach along the bay. Notable inner city suburbs edit Below are some of the major inner-city suburbs and localities. They are from the old district structure for Melbourne, and will eventually be merged into their respective article above. City Centre 8212 Melbournes Central Business District (CBD) and historical core north of the Yarra River, including the Southbank district immediately south of the Yarra and the new Docklands precinct to the west. Albert Park 8212 A suburb of Port Phillip and Home of Melbournes F1 Grand Prix circuit. South Melbourne 8212 Home of the shopping strip known as Clarendon Street, South Melbourne in Port Phillip also has the popular South Melbourne Market, which first opened in 1867 and features food, clothing, footwear and much more. St Kilda 8212 Suburb of Port Phillip on Port Philip Bay with its famous Sunday art market, and home to many backpacker hostels and cafes. Brunswick 8212 Inner northern suburb in Moreland. The new Fitzroy. Carlton 8212 In northern Melbourne, the traditional home of Melbournes Italian community and the University of Melbourne. Collingwood 8212 Working class suburb with funky shopping, pubs and live music on Smith and Johnston Streets. Fitzroy 8212 The Bohemian quarter filled with interesting restaurants and trendy boutiques. Richmond 8212 North Richmond is Melbournes Little Vietnam while the southern part of the district, Bridge Road, is famous for low price fashion outlets. Footscray 8212 Working class suburb of Maribyrnong, cool, multicultural, cheap markets, dozens of Vietnamese and East African shops and restaurants. Yarraville 8212 Quiet, inner-western suburb of Maribyrnong with well-preserved Victorian architecture and a funky, artsy vibe. Prahran 8212 Favourite shopping district in Stonnington with Chapel Street as its main attraction. South Yarra 8212 South of the river in Stonnington, with high-end shopping and dining, it covers South Yarra and Toorak. Williamstown 8212 Old, maritime-styled suburb of Hobsons Bay with many cafes situated along the foreshore. Understand edit Climate edit Overall: Melbourne can get many days in summer above 35 and 40C. Summer is the warmest season. Autumn and Spring change dramatically during the week and very much similar. Winters can be cool with temperatures around 14 degrees. Melbourne is the third driest capital city in Australia with half of Sydneys rainfall (600mm) and (1200mm). Summer: Melbourne summers are generally warm with an average temperature of around 26 degrees. Summers consist of very hot days. Melbourne is known for its days of extreme heat. Several days each summer nudge 40C. Night time temps are around 16C. The hottest day ever recorded was 46.4C, the hottest of any capital city in Australia. After a few days of extreme heat, it is usually followed by a cool change dropping the temp back to around 20 to 30 degrees. An average summer day is warm and sunny and usually light patches of rain every five or six days. January and February are Melbournes hottest months. Autumn: Autumn is a mixed bag of weather. One day it could be 35 degrees, the next 15. It changes dramatically during the week so pack everything This lives up to the four seasons in one day slogan. Night temps are around 8 to 14 degrees. Day time temps are around 18 to 25. In March, you can still get days of extreme heat. In 2013, Melbourne had 10 days above 30 in March, the most ever. In May, temperatures are noticeably colder than the days in March and early April. Winter: Winters are usually cool and damp with day time highs of around 14 degrees in June and July, in August, the average is 16. The average winter day is cloudy with sunny breaks. The temperature can get colder than 10 degrees but higher than 21. It rains averagely 2 in 5 days with around 38 rain days. Melbourne winters can get below 10 once every 3 years. Minimums are around 7 degrees but can get colder than 2 and higher than 12. Light snow usually falls on top of Mount Dandenong once a year. Spring: Spring is the wettest time of year in Melbourne and can still get quite cold early on but then warmer as you head into summer. October is the wettest month with 66mm. Day time highs are around 18 to 25C (depending when) and night time lows are around 9 to 15 again depending. It is usually the windiest season as well. It is mostly like Autumn. in November, you can get days of extreme heat. History edit The Shrine of Remembrance The settlement of Melbourne commenced in 1835 when settlers from Tasmania purchased land on Port Phillip Bay and the Yarra River from the local Aboriginal tribes. The streets of central Melbourne were carefully laid out in 1837, with some streets 30 metres wide. The settlement was named Melbourne after William Lamb, 2nd Viscount Melbourne, the British Prime Minister at that time. The first British lieutenant-governor, Charles La Trobe, arrived in 1839 his Cottage still stands and can be visited in the Kings Domain. The year 1851 was a landmark for Melbourne 8212 the colony of Victoria was separated from New South Wales and very soon after, gold was discovered in Victoria, sparking a huge goldrush. Aspects of the gold rush history can be seen at the Gold Treasury Museum, housed in the Treasury Building built in 1858. Gold was the catalyst for several decades of prosperity lasting through to the late 1880s and examples of the ornate Victorian-era structures built during this time still stand. In 1888, the property boom collapsed and Victoria suffered the depression of the 1890s. Throughout the gold and building booms, Melbourne managed to retain its many spacious parks and gardens and these remain to this day. In 1901, the British colonies of Australia became an independent federation and Melbourne the temporary capital of Australia, with the Federal Parliament meeting in the Parliament House of Victoria until 1927 when the new Federal capital of Canberra was founded. After World War II, Melbourne grew rapidly, with its mainly Anglo-Celtic population boosted by immigration from Europe, particularly from Greece and Italy. The significant pre-war Jewish population was also boosted after the war. From the mid-70s, many immigrants came from South-east Asia, particularly Vietnam and Cambodia. Melbourne has had a Chinese population since the gold rush of the 1850s and Chinatown has existed from that time but the population of Chinese and other East Asians has also been boosted by immigration in recent years. New high-rise buildings replaced many of Melbournes interesting old structures in the construction boom of the 1970s and 80s. Melbournians belatedly recognised the loss of their architectural heritage and steps were taken to protect what was left. Construction of the huge Crown Casino (briefly the largest casino in the world) in the 1990s upset some Melbournians with its introduction of a gambling culture. Melbournes development continues in the 2000s with the opening of the Melbourne Museum, Federation Square and the Docklands precinct. Culture edit Melbourne is often called the cultural capital of Australia, with its many art galleries, film festivals, orchestras, choral and opera productions, vibrant live music scene, and a strong food, wine and coffee culture. People in Melbourne tend to dress up more than in Sydney, partly due to the colder climate. Many bars and clubs have strict dress regulations, such as requiring collars and dress shoes for men. Particular events to note include the Melbourne International Film Festival in August, the International Art Festival in October, and the Melbourne Comedy Festival in April. There are also many concerts and exhibitions throughout the year. In addition to the Melbourne Museum, there are special museums dedicated to subjects such as science, immigration, Chinese history, Jewish history, sport, racing, film and moving image, railways, police, fire brigades and banking. Sport edit Aerial shot of Albert Park Melbourne is the unquestioned sporting capital of Australia with the largest arenas and two of the major sporting administrations basing their operation in Melbourne: Cricket Australia is a stones throw from the MCG, and the AFL games are played at both the MCG and Etihad Stadium. Melbournians are sports enthusiasts and particularly passionate about Australian Rules football. a sport invented in Melbourne. In fact the Australian Football League (AFL) is not so much a sport as a religion in Melbourne, with 9 of the 10 Victorian teams being based in Melbourne. As a guide, the entire national competition only has 18 teams, meaning half the league is based in Melbourne alone. Horse racing is another passion, and the majority of the state has a public holiday on the first Tuesday of November for the racing of the Melbourne Cup . one of the worlds famous horse races. Cricket is the big summer sport and the Melbourne Cricket Ground (the MCG) is one of the worlds leading grounds. The National Sports Museum (NSM) (including the Racing Museum) Australias only truly dedicated multi-sports museum is also located at the MCG. Each January, Melbourne hosts tennis Australian Open. one of the worlds four Grand Slam championships. In March, Melbourne hosts the first race of the Formula One season, the Formula One Grand Prix. The race is held in Albert Park in South Melbourne. Melbournians have also taken football (soccer) to their hearts in recent times. Melbourne Victory, playing in Australias premier competition, the A-League, enjoyed enormous crowds and colourful, boistrous support at their original home ground, Etihad Stadium (previously known as the Telstra Dome). In 2011, the A-League took notice of this phenomenon and added a second Melbourne team, Melbourne City (owned by Manchester City). The two teams now share the new Melbourne Rectangular Stadium, commercially known as AAMI Park. The city also boasts one professional team in each rugby code, with both also playing at AAMI Park. The Melbourne Storm play rugby league in the National Rugby League, with teams throughout Australia plus one in New Zealand. The Melbourne Rebels play rugby union in Super Rugby, which features four other Australian sides and five each in New Zealand and South Africa. Get in edit By plane edit Melbourne is served by two main airports Melbourne Airport . also referred to as Tullamarine Airport, is situated to the northwest of the city and is the main international and domestic hub. Some domestic flights from low-cost carrier Jetstar Airways also use Avalon Airport . located to the southwest of the city centre on the road to Geelong. Two smaller civil aviation airports, Moorabbin Airport . to the south of the city, and Essendon Airport 1. in the northwest of the city, serve limited regional flights to Flinders Island. King Island and some other regional destinations. Melbourne Airport edit Melbourne Airport (IATA. MEL ) is the citys primary airport, 22km north-west of the city centre in the industrial suburb of Tullamarine. The airport is a hub for Qantas. Virgin Australia 2. Regional Express 3 and low-cost carriers Jetstar Airways 4 and Tigerair Australia 5. Melbourne Airport is split into four terminals: Terminal 1 . is used by Qantas domestic flights. Terminal 2 is used for all international flights. Terminal 3 is home to Virgin Australia and Regional Express domestic flights. Terminal 4 . located to the south of the main terminal building, is used by Tigerair Australia and Jetstar domestic flights. There are multiple flights per day to most major Australian and New Zealand cities, in addition to popular tourist destinations including Cairns, the Gold Coast, Hamilton Island, Townsville and Ayers Rock-Uluru. There is a daily flight to Los Angeles, and multiple flights per day to Asian hubs including Singapore. Hong Kong. Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur. in addition to the major Middle Eastern hubs Dubai. Abu Dhabi and Doha. Tip: Tweet MELFlights on the day of travel for real-time flight information direct to your WiFi device. The fastest way to the city centre will be with a taxi, then Skybus or shuttle bus (depending on departure and transfer times), with public transport taking at least twice as long. The cheapest way to the city is with public transport, with a one-way fare costing 6 (plus Myki card), compared to 12 to 14 with Greenbus, 18 to 20 for Skybus or shuttle buses and 55 to 60 for a taxi. Taxis between the airport and the CBD cost between 55-65 and take about 30 minutes in clear traffic. Skybus 6 61 3 9335 2811, runs a fast and frequent shuttle bus service to Southern Cross Station, with ticket booths and stops outside Terminal 1 and Terminal 3. A one-way ticket costs 18, with discounts for groups, children and seniors. The trip takes around 20 minutes in good traffic, and leaves every 10 minutes during the day with connecting buses to major hotels in the CBD. Tickets can be purchased online, although bookings arent generally necessary except for hotel pick-ups, which should be arranged at least three hours ahead. Shuttle bus . Greenbus offers a direct service to the city centre for 12 (students) to 14 (adults). For southeastern suburbs including St Kilda. Elwood, Brighton and Frankston, the Frankston and Peninsula Airport Shuttle (FAPAS) 7 61 3 9783 1199 runs regular minibus services, with one-way adult fares starting at 18. Bookings are required. Regular bus . The airport can also be accessed using Public Transport Victoria 8. 61 3 8608 5021 bus services, which are slower but cheaper. The 901 Frankston-Melbourne Airport bus connects to trains at Broadmeadows station, with the total journey usually taking 1 hour and 15 minutes from the Airport to the city centre. It departs from the bus zone, across the road from the main taxi rank outside Terminal 1. This route is best avoided after dark. Beware that Broadmeadows is listed as a higher crime neighborhood in the stay safe section. Infrequent buses also connect to Moonee Ponds and Essendon (routes 478 and 479), and Sunbury (routes 479 and 500). Myki cards can be purchased from the Skybus booths outside Terminal 1 and Terminal 3. Up-to-date timetable information, including a journey planner, is available on the PTV website . Melbourne City Cabs 9 Melbourne City Cabs is a well-trusted name in cab services, dedicated to provide with chauffeured transportation service for a wide range of customers. Melbourn Prestige Limos 10 Melbourn Prestige Limos offers a premium service for Melbourne managing transfers for many important people in style. What a Cab 11 What a Cab can offer the quickest and most efficient service to its customers by sending the closest taxi during peak periods to reduce the minimum wait period.. Avalon Airport edit Avalon Airport, 12 (IATA. AVV ), is situated in outer Geelong suburb of Lara. The airport is located 55 km to the south-west of Melbourne, and is considerably further from Melbourne CBD than the Melbourne airport at Tullamarine. However, a shuttle to Southern Cross costs only 4 more than a shuttle from Tullamarine, and fares from Avalon are sometimes considerably cheaper. The terminal itself is about as simple as it gets, with just an ATM, car hire desks and baggage carousels in what looks like an old hangar at arrivals. The departure facilities are a little better, with a cafe and a bar, and a video arcade room. Jetstar Airways is the only airline operating from Avalon, with up to four flights per day to Sydney be sure to double-check your booking is from Avalon, rather than the larger Melbourne Airport. Besides Melbourne, Avalon is a useful gateway to Geelong and the Great Ocean Road. Taxis from Avalon Airport to the Melbourne CBD will run upwards of 100. SITA coaches 13 operates a coach shuttle service to Melbournes Southern Cross Station, costing 20 per adult and 10 per child one way. The buses meet every Jetstar arrival. An additional 7 per person charge is made for a transfer to city hotels. Only cash is accepted, not credit cards. Regional trains 14 run from Lara station, around 8km from the terminal, to Southern Cross Station hourly, and cost 5.60. Children 17 years and under are half price, however during off-peak times up to two children travel free with every adult. A taxi to the station should cost around 15, so there is no cost or time benefit for a single adult of the train over the shuttle. Hiring a car for a couple of days may be cheaper than a taxi, as long as you have somewhere to park it. Road connections between Avalon Airport and Melbourne are good, with the journey typically taking around 50 minutes allow longer on Sundays and during peak hour. By train edit All regional and interstate rail services depart from Southern Cross Station, located on Spencer Street at the western edge of the Melbourne CBD. The station is well-connected to the rest of the citys transport network, including most suburban train lines, tram routes, and some bus services. VLine. operates most regional trains, with regular services to Geelong. Ballarat. Albury. Bendigo and Bairnsdale amongst others 160edit NSW TrainLink. 15. operates a twice daily service from Sydney (11 hours away). 160edit Great Southern Railway. 16. runs two services a week from Adelaide (10-11 hours). 160edit By car edit From Sydney. the quickest route to Melbourne is the Hume Highway, which takes 10-11 hours. The Princes Highway (National Route 1) goes along the coast and is less crowded. It takes longer and the speed limit is lower, though. Adelaide is slightly closer than Sydney and can be reached in 9 hours. The coastal route is scenic but slower. A direct journey from Brisbane takes 21 hours of driving and takes you further inland along the Newell Highway. This makes for an interesting alternative to the standard Brisbane-Sydney-Melbourne coastal route. By bus edit Bus services to Melbourne from out of state are provided by Firefly Express 17 and Greyhound 18. Bus services within Victoria are operated by VLine, and operate from most major and many minor Victorian towns. By ship edit Melbourne can be reached from Devonport. Tasmania by carpassenger ferries run by Spirit of Tasmania 19. The journey takes 10 hours and runs every night (in both directions), departing at 9PM and arriving at 7AM. During the peak of summer, there are also day sailings (departing 9AM, arriving 7PM) on many days - check in advance. Ticket prices depend on time of year and your sleeping accommodation. A seat (no bed) is the cheapest, starting (in off-peak season) from 108 for adults and 82 for children. Bear in mind, the seat is most uncomfortable, equivalent to a cinema seat. Cabins with bunk beds start from 187 adults, 97 children. Peak season costs are about 25 higher. Cars cost 59 all year round. Melbourne is also served by several cruise ships throughout the year (mostly in the summer cruise season). Check operators for further details. All passenger ships serving Melbourne arrive at and depart from Station Pier in Port Melbourne which is located in South Melbourne about 2.5 miles southwest from the CBD. For those without private transport, the 109 tram departs from the old railway station across the road from the Station Pier and goes right into the heart of Melbourne (continuing to Box Hill in the north-east of the city). Get around edit Although Melbourne itself is a very large metropolitan area, most sights of interest are within the city centre and easily reached by public transport. On foot edit Melbournes city centre is laid out in an orderly grid system, similar to Manhattan. making it easy to navigate around the most central areas. During peak hour, walking may even be quicker than taking the tram. A free map 20 of the city centre is available from the Melbourne Visitor Centres 21 in Federation Square and Bourke Street Mall. By public transport edit Melbournes public transport is extensive, and in inner city areas generally frequent and easy to use most popular attractions are easily reached by tram or train, and it is quite easy to get around Melbourne without a car. The Melbourne CBD is covered by the Free Tram Zone 22. which means travelling in the CBD by tram is free of charge. You can still touch on your myki, but no money will be deducted and best of all most of the major attractions in the city fall within the free tram zone. For more information refer Public Transport Victoria 23 which is the authority responsible for public transport in Melbourne and Victoria. The PTV Hub. Southern Cross Station, 750 Collins St, Melbourne. (toll free: 1800 800 007 ), 24. 160edit provides timetables, brochures, and can assist with other enquiries. All services come under the myki 25 ticketing system. A myki visitor value pack is on sale at the Melbourne Visitor Centre in Federation Square, SkyBus ticket booths and the PTV Hub. Otherwise, myki cards can be purchased from vending machines at train stations, newsagents, convenience stores and major CBD tram stops. Fares are calculated based on distance travelled, with most inner-city suburbs falling within Zone 1, and a separate Zone 2 covering the middle and outer suburbs. Tickets are available in two hour and daily options the best fare for your journey will be calculated automatically, meaning that prices are effectively capped at the cost of a daily ticket (approximately 7). Authorised officers frequently check tickets on trams and trains, particularly on popular routes. The Myki system is actually quite complicated and commuters can easily get tripped up. For example, many train stations do not have barriers that open and shut when the card is scanned (as is done in London, Singapore and most other countries). As a result, it can and does happen that people think they are tapping on correctly but do not tap on correctly. If that happens then there is a likelihood that a ticket inspector will stop the passenger at their destination (especially if it is at a train station in the CBD) and give them the option of paying a 75 on the spot fine or being reported and having to pay a fine about three times higher. To foreigners, the above may seem like a shakedown but that is how the system works and it is part and parcel of using the Melbourne public transport system. Also caution needs to be applied when tapping on cards as some consoles are for tapping on for a journey and others are for checking value. And if you mix them up, and accidentally tap on a card checking console, then you will be accused of fare evasion if you are caught and forced to pay a fine. This mistake is easily avoided by reading the information below extremely carefully. The consoles are different colours and have different beeping noises. Visitors to Melbourne are advised to check the public transport authority site to understand all the different procedures and console colours and beeps before using the system due to the high risk of fines. Foreign visitors may not be used to reading manuals before using public transport systems in other countries but in Melbourne it is essential to read the public transport website and familiarise yourselves with the terms of service before using public transport in Melbourne. You should read the VFTM manual before using myki. Pay particular attention to Chapter 8 page 55-60. It is available at ptv. vic. gov. au. It mentions that when a customer touches on at a myki reader, lights on the reader and an audible tone will alert them to the status of the touch on. When a myki is presented to a myki reader and no light or tone occurs, the ticket has not been read and is not valid for travel. The manual also states that where a customer attempts to touch off but did not touch on, the touch will be processed by the system as a touch on. In this case a default fare may subsequently be charged. A customer who has not touched on will not be able to exit via the ticket barriers at railway stations and must see a member of staff for assistance. A customer who did not touch on must touch on at the ticket barrier and may subsequently be charged a default fare. Note that if a myki is not touched on it is not valid for travel and the customer may be charged an on-the-spot penalty fare of 75. All train and most trams and buses are accessible to the elderly and disabled. Children under 16 years and Australian seniors card holders are eligible for cheaper concession fares, which need to be purchased at train stations. Although PTV services are not currently listed on Google Maps, PTV apps are available for iPhone and Android, and a journey planner tool is available through its website. Services generally run from 5am to midnight, with extended services on Friday and Saturday nights. Trains edit All suburban trains depart from Flinders Street Station . opposite Federation Square in the city centre. Many lines also run through the City Loop . which connects to Southern Cross Station and three underground stations around the perimeter of the CBD: Parliament, Melbourne Central and Flagstaff look out for the blue signs. Trains run frequently throughout most of the day, but can be crowded during peak times in the morning and evening. The network can also fall victim to signalling issues, weather and extreme heat the most up-to-date service information is available from the Metro Trains website 26 or Twitter account 27. If youre travelling during peak periods, it may be wise to allow extra travel time. All trains are air conditioned (However it may not always be working), and most major stations have staff, bathrooms and other facilities. Southern Cross station is unquestionably the best equipped station in the CBD - its toilet facilities, two supermarkets, information stand and general amenities are of international standard. Trams edit Melbournes iconic tram network is the largest tram network in the world28. and covers a large part of the inner and middle suburbs. A free City Circle tram 29 runs around the CBD and Docklands area using heritage brown W-class trams. From the start of 2015, there is a Free Tram Zone 30 in the CBD, including the Docklands. Using the trams within this zone does not require a Myki. If you do have a Myki and are travelling only within this zone, do not touch on as this will register as Zone 1 trip. Exercise extreme caution when using the Free Tram Zone, as inspectors will often board the tram at a stop immediately outside the zone, or be waiting at the stop for alighting passengers. Expect no leniency at all from them if caught without a valid Myki. Like the train network, trams may be crowded during peak periods especially along major routes such as Swanston, Collins and Burke Streets. Most are air conditioned, and the majority of CBD tram stops are now wheelchair-friendly. Buses edit Buses tend to link areas without train or tram connections, with some exceptions, often service major shopping centres, middle and outer suburbs. The Melbourne Visitor Shuttle 31 links attractions in the CBD, Carlton and Docklands every 15 minutes for a flat rate of 5 per day. Melbourne Bus Company 32 - Melbourne Bus Company offer Bus and Coach Hire services in Melbourne and throughout Victoria. Melbourne Bus and Coach 33 - Buses, Coaches and Minibus for private group here for travel in Melbourne and beyond. Victorian Touring Coaches 34 - Victorian Touring Coaches are based in Moorabbin, near Melbourne and have luxury class vehicles for long distance hire and charter. By bike edit Melbourne has an excellent network of bike paths, plus a generally flat terrain, making pedal-power a great way to take in the city. Most paths are shared footways under the law, although the majority of users in most places are cyclists. This means cyclists should expect to share the path with pedestrians, dog-walkers, rollerbladers, joggers, prams and tricycles. Some trails contain on-road sections (in marked bike lanes). It is legal to cycle on footpaths only when supervising cycling children or when the path is marked or signposted as allowing bikes. Helmets are required by law, and care should be taken when cycling near slippery tram tracks, where many have gotten injured in the past. Reflective clothing and lights are essential for safe night rides. Trails edit Yarra River Trail. 35. Runs from the mouth of Melbournes iconic Yarra River, through the city and onwards to Westerfolds Park in the outer suburbs. Although be warned that the trail sometimes disappears on a street with no directions at all, so a map is mandatory to follow this one. 160edit Capital City Trail. 36. Runs a circuit through Melbournes inner suburbs, the Docklands precinct and the city. Its a good way to see a slice of day-to-day life. 160edit Bay Trail. 37. A pleasant trek around Port Phillip Bay, running from Port Melbourne, through the bustling beach-side precinct of St Kilda, past the famous bathing sheds of Brighton, all the way to Carrum. A punt operates under the West Gate Bridge on weekends and public holidays allowing a start at Altona Meadows along the Williamstown Trail, across the punt, and joining with the Bay Trail. There is no cyclist access permitted to the West Gate Bridge. 160edit Detailed maps of the bike path network can be found online 38. Bike rental edit Melbourne Bike Share. 39. Bikes cost 2.50 per day, as long as you return the bike each 30 minutes. 5 bike helmets can be bought at 7-Eleven stores throughout the city centre and can be refunded for 3 at 7-Elevens. 160edit Rentabike. Vault 14 Princes Walk ( Near Federation Square, Federation Wharf, on the north side of the Yarra. ), 61 417 339 203. 40. 160edit Freddys Bike Tours amp Rental. ( Batman Park next to the Melbourne Aquarium or delivery anywhere within Melbourne free of charge. ), 61 431610431 (jamesfreddysbiketours. au ), 41. Bicycle hire and bike rentals. Also offers a range of guided bicycle tours through various Melbourne precincts. From 25. 160edit A folding bike of 20 wheel base is very convenient when traveling in the city. In addition when in folded condition it can be carried on bus, train and CountryLink without any additional charges. Just tell the driver that it will be folded and hand carried as baggage. As for inter-city train, avoid rush hour (7AM-9AM and 5PM-6PM). If the wheelchair area is not occupied then the bike can be parked in this area safely without folding. By car edit The major car rental chains are well-represented and include Redspot. Avis, Budget, Europcar, Hertz amp Thrifty. Independent car rental companies are also plentiful and can offer good value for money. If you are looking to cover a long distance by car, ensure your rental policy includes unlimited mileage - most economy to standard sized car rental include this already. There are a handful of intersections in the city centre and in South Melbourne, along Clarendon St. where you must do a Hook turn to turn right due to tram tracks running down the centre of the road. Follow the signs, pull to the left of the intersection if you are turning right, as far forward as possible, and when the light for the street you are turning into turns green (the traffic on the street you are on stops) make the turn. Check out CityLinks 42 site for details of Melbournes T-shaped tollway which links the Westgate, Tullamarine and Monash (formerly South-Eastern) freeways. It is a fully electronic road with no manual tollgates. You can buy a day pass in advance, or within 3 days of having driven down it, giving your registration and car details. You can do this by phone, Internet, or at some Shell petrol stations. The registered owner of the car will get a fine in the mail if you do not buy a pass within 3 days. The tolled sections are indicated with blue and yellow signs, rather than the standard green and white. CityLink can cut a worthwhile amount of time from your journey, especially if you are driving from, say, the south-eastern suburbs to Melbourne Airport. Motorcycles are free, cars are around 11day. Larger vehicles are more. The EastLink tollway has recently been completed. Formerly called the Scoresby, then the Mitcham-Frankston freeway, it links the Eastern, Monash, Frankston and Mornington Peninsula freeways. Like the CityLink, it is a fully electronic road with no toll gates. If you have a tag or account, tolls range from 28c for short trips on some segments, to a toll cap of 5.15. Weekends are 20 off, and motorcycles are half price. If you dont have a tag or account, passes are available for the cost of the trip cap (e. g. travelling one way will cost you 5.15 in a car). Passes are available online at 43 and can be purchased before or up to 3 days after the trip. Tags from other Australian cities work on CityLink and the EastLink tollway, but passes do not. One option for travel on both CityLink and EastLink is the Melbourne Pass. It costs 5.50 to start up an account, and tolls are debited from your credit card automatically once the accumulated tolls and fees reach 10, or when the pass expires (after 30 days, but can be extended once for another 30 days). No tag is required. The pass can be purchased online at 44 In the centre, parking at meters and ticket machines can be as much as 5.50 per hour. Motorcycles and scooters are well catered for as footpath parking is both free and legal (providing the footpath is not obstructed). Scooters are becoming very common, however for all size scooters a motorcycle license must be held. By taxi edit Yellow Melbourne taxis are ubiquitous in the centre but less often spotted in the suburbs. The largest companies are 13CABS 45 ( 13-CABS132227) and Silver Top 46 ( 131008) as all of them ampmdash. Taxis are generally yellow, but as of November 2014, there are also silver taxis. Fares are standardized so that the meter starts ticking at 3.20 and clocks up 1.617km, meaning that short hops within the centre can go for under 10 but longer hauls get pretty expensive pretty fast. Midnight-5AM is 20 more, booking by phone or taking a taxi from the airport costs 2 extra and sitting in traffic is 0.56min. Between 10PM and 5AM, taxi fares are prepaid . you pay an estimated sum to the driver in advance and the fare is corrected on arrival. Some taxi companies do not provide a lost property service. Lost items by law must be forwarded to the police if they are not claimed. Melbournes taxi network is fairly safe, although waiting for a taxi at a rank can sometimes become violent due to the lack of taxis compared to demand (particularly outside Flinders Street, but there is a police box next to the rank which generally operates at night). See edit add listing Melbourne is a huge city. so all individual listings should be moved to the appropriate district articles . and this section should contain a brief overview. Please help to move listings if you are familiar with this city. Melbourne attractions are here listed according to their respective districts. See the district pages for full details. City Centre edit NewQuay in Melbourne Docklands The City Centre has much to attract the traveller, including theatres, art galleries, cafs, boutiques, plenty of live music, department stores, and interesting Victorian architecture, which can all be sampled on foot. Flinders Street Railway Station 8212 Arguably the defining landmark of Melbourne, a nice, colonial-era railway station at the junction of Flinders Street and Swanston Street. The main entrance is known for several clocks hanging over it, and is a popular meeting spot for locals. Meet you under the clocks at Flinders Street station is in the DNA of every Melburnian. Docklands 8212 An entire new precinct filled with shops, bars, restaurants and things to do for all the family as well as a large sports stadium with a waterside setting. Boat trips touring Melbournes rivers and Port Philip Bay leave from here. Eureka Tower 8212 Tallest observation deck building in Melbourne, panoramic views of the whole of Melbourne. Parliament House of Victoria 8212 The first seat of the Australian federal government, free tours are available on week days. Queen Victoria Market 8212 The largest open-air market in the southern hemisphere, Vic Market as its nicknamed is huge and colourful with an assortment of fresh and dry produce, souvenirs and other interesting things. A must-see experience. State Library 8212 Worthwhile if youre into books, amazing city architecture and free internet. Also has the former largest Domed Reading Room in the world, capable of holding over 1 million books. Southgate 8212 Pretty promenade on the south bank of the Yarra, with lively restaurants, bars and a Sunday art amp craft market. Federation Square 8212 Modernistic and popular meeting space - fascinating architecture - to see Melburnians enjoy life whilst sitting down at cafes and bars. Also the home of the Australian Centre for the Moving Image, galleries, and more Immigration Museum 8212 Located on Flinders Street, explore the moving stories of people from all over the world who have migrated to Australia Police Museum 8212 Also located on Flinders Street, see over 150 years of stories and displays of crime, justice, courage, forensic techniques and examples of how police are making Victoria a safer place to live. Old Melbourne Gaol (Jail). 377 Russel St ( between La Trobe St and Victoria St ), 47. Daily 09:30-17:00. A 1900s era gaol that held many famous criminals of the era (including Ned Kelly). The tour is self guiding, although there are often interpretive guides scattered throughout. The tour mainly consists of informational signs in each cell along with some videos and artefacts. Not the most exciting for young kids. Recently added is the crime and justice experience which involves being arrested and placed in a modern era jail. Could be a little scary for younger kids. 23, concession 18, kids 12. 160edit The Yarra 8212 famous as the river that flows upside down (because of its brown colouration) the Yarra winds its way through the heart of Melbourne with beautiful walks, enjoyable boat trips, and frequent opportunities to picnic or use the public free BBQs along the riverside by the botanical gardens for the full Aussie eating experience. Shrine of Remembrance 8212 Located on St Kilda Road, Major War Memorial with unique Ray of Light demonstration every half hour. Also offering panoramic views of Melbourne parks from rooftop balcony. Coops Shot Tower 8212 50m high shot tower from 1888, incorporated into Melbourne Central complex underneath a 84m high glass roof Carlton edit The attractions in Carlton are mostly historical as it houses the Melbourne museum, and cultural with its strong Italian heritage. Melbourne Museum 8212 It is the largest museum in the Southern Hemisphere and home to seven main galleries, a childrens gallery and a temporary exhibit gallery on three levels, Upper, Ground and Lower Level. Lygon and Rathdowne Streets 8212 Crammed with Italian restaurants, gelatarias and coffee shops, which all serve some of Melbournes best hospitality. IMAX Cinema 8212 Right next to the museum. It shows both new releases and documentary films, in 3-D format. Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens 8212 UNESCO World Heritage site (tours available through the museum). Parkville edit Melbourne Zoo 8212 Usual assortment of zoo animals in a natural-like setting with lots of Australian native species too. Jazz at the Zoo is a popular weekend evening function over the summer months for a picnic, music and evening stroll around the animal enclosures. University of Melbourne 8212 The premier university of Victoria, and internationally recognised as a leading university, it is a hub of students, fine Victorian architecture and gorgeous sprawling gardens. St Kilda edit St Kilda is Melbournes beach-side nightlife precinct and is a tremendously popular area for beachcombers and those looking to grab a bite or sip on a latte by the sea. Luna Park 8212 Historic amusement park built in 1912. St Kilda Pier 8212 Popular spot for fishing and walking. St Kilda Esplanade 8212 Fine place for walking, skating, sunbathing and on Sundays, discovering new treasures at the Esplanade Sunday market. St Kilda Botanical Gardens 8212 With the first trees planted in 1859, the Botanical Gardens are a sprawling oasis of tranquility and greenery. Jewish Museum of Australia 8212 Depicts the history of the Jewish community in Australia. South Yarra edit Greenery and high-end living are the main draws to South Yarra . Chapel StreetToorak Road 8212 Kilometer-long strip of fashionable but often unaffordable shops plus some top end restaurants to match. Royal Botanic Gardens. Birdwood Avenue, South Yarra, Victoria, Australia. 61 3 9252 2300. 48. Features nice old trees, drought tolerant displays, a cafe and grassy places to loll about. The Childrens Garden is fun with streams, fountains, hidden paths, etc. In summer you can see outdoor movies and Shakespeare plays. You will feel miles away from the city next door as soon as you step in the garden. Frei. 160edit Prahran edit Prahran lies to the south of the city and shopping is the main draw. Chapel Street 8212 Famous for its street cafes and designer fashion boutiques. Cheaper stores are found at its southern end. Prahran Market is a market dedicated to the finest quality fresh food. You can find gourmet delights here that you will find in no other place in Melbourne. Prahran Market also has childrens activities and a large Market Square to sit and enjoy. Commercial Road 8212 Known for food and shops. Northern Melbourne edit Tullamarine 8212 Home to Melbournes International airport. Woodlands Historic Park 8212 Immediately north of Melbourne Airport, contains an 1840s homestead and a nature reserve. Southern suburbs edit Brighton 8212 Melbournes prime bayside suburb featuring excellent upmarket cafes and boutique shops. This suburb is truly a national treasure Brighton Beach 8212 One of Melbournes favoured beaches, be sure to check out the famous bathing boxes, brightly coloured boxes that are dotted along the sand. FitzroyCollingwood edit FitzroyCollingwood - Trendy bohemian suburbs north of the CBD, filled with eclectic cafes and stores. Brunswick St - Long and lively cafebar strip with cheap and decent eats. Gertrude St - Charming street with cafes, bars, and unique clothing (and other) shops and art galleries. Currently running an after dark light show. Centre of the local Aboriginal community. Johnston St - Western end is home of the local Hispanic community. Many restraunts, bars and pubs, and the infamous Tote Hotel. Smith St - Slightly run down yet charming street with cafes, bars, and unique clothing (and other) shops. Do edit add listing Footy fever It may be called Australian rules football, but the city that rules the game is Melbourne: until 1987, every team in what was then the Victorian Football League was based in Melbourne or Geelong, and even today 10 of 18 teams in the AFL hail from the city. The season runs through winter from late March to late September, with big matches drawing up to 100,000 spectators. For the first-time spectator, the footy looks like untrammeled mayhem, with the oval rugby-style ball carried, kicked, bounced or even punched 8212 but never thrown 8212 across the oval pitch while the opposing teams players tried to grab it or pummel its holder into submission. The objective is simple enough: to kick the ball between the two tall goalposts (scoring 6 points), or barring that at least between a goal post and the shorter post next to it (a behind . scoring 1 point). No protective equipment of any kind is used and almost anything goes when tackling, although traditionalists bemoan the recent banning of moves like grabbing a players arms from behind and ramming them into the ground head first All that said, footy fans are a surprisingly well-behaved lot and hooliganism is nearly unknown, with plenty of families and little old ladies attending matches. Tickets can be booked in advance online, depending on the game, but for most games you can simply show up at the stadium before the match, with general admission tickets starting from around 20. See interesting films at the Art Deco-styled Astor Theatre 49 in St Kilda. There are several moonlight cinema programmes in summer. The Melbourne International Film Festival 50 is on in August. Try your luck with the Australian National Lottery . Alternately, visit the Cinema Nova on Lygon Street (tram 1 or 8) on a Monday for 6 films before 4PM. Melbourne is also known for great street art often located down narrow laneways this art is displayed on approved outdoor locations. Learn about aboriginal culture and history at the Koorie Heritage Trust 51 Visit a comedy club. The Comics Lounge 52 has shows for 10-25 including a show filmed for Channel 31 on Mondays, or dinner and show for 45. The Comedy Club 53 has dinner and show for 32 and shows only beginning at 7 (discount ticket price). Alternatively the comedy festival runs through most of April all over Melbourne. Watch the mesmerising process of personalised hard candy being hand-made at Suga 54. Around lunch time is a good time to see (and sample). There is a store at Queen Victoria Market, but if you visit the Royal Arcade location, you can also watch chocolate making next door at Koko Black 55 . Watch a game of AFL football 56 at the MCG or Etihad Stadium during the winter, or a Cricket Match 57 during the summer. Kick back at one of Melbournes fantastic cafes in the CBD (Degraves St, The Causeway, and other laneways are fantastic for this), South Yarra (Chapel Street) or Fitzroy (Brunswick Street, Smith Street). Melbourne has an exceptionally vibrant live music scene. Many bars and pubs will have copies of the free magazines Beat and Inpress which provide local gig guides. Fitzroy, Collingwood and St. Kilda are generally your best bets for seeing some of the great local talent Melbourne has to offer. Venues where you generally cant go wrong include: The Tote, The Evelyn and The Espy. The Black Light Mini Golf 58 is located at the Docklands. This is an 18 hole mini golf range designed around an Australiana theme. It is under black light with a light and sound system and featuring fluorescent colours. If your game you could also take a ride in a Coffin.59 Indoor rock climbing with a view. 60 Hardrock on Swanston street has an indoor climbing wall suitable for beginners and advanced climbers. Want kitesurfing lessons 61 GoKite offers the high standard kiteboarding tuition to meet your needs. GoKite operates at Melbournes most central teaching location - West Beach, St Kilda. Call them today to get started on your kiteboarding adventure Melbourne is an excellent place to master your photography skills. So many places to take a fantastic picture. For maps of the hot spots check the Melbourne photo blog MEL365 62. You can use the full screen map with all the spots or just follow the daily photo. The website includes as well all the photo exhibition running in Melbourne. Things to do in Melbourne with kids. 63. Find things to do for families with kids in Melbourne. 160edit Learn edit You can take language classes, join a cafe book group, learn to draw, sign up for historical walk, foodie walk, or photography walk-shop, study for your Victorian Certificate of Education or take computer or business classes at the Council of Adult Education (CAE) 64. The CAE is also home to the City Library 65 where you can sign up to borrow books or just read magazines in their cafe. Melbourne is home to some of both the nation and worlds best Universities. The University of Melbourne is situated in Parkville, and is regularly ranked as the best University in Australia. Monash University is located in Clayton, in Melbournes South. Both Universities are members of the exclusive Group of Eight Universities of Australia. Also to note are La Trobe University, Swinburne University, RMIT, Deakin University, Australian Catholic University and Victoria University. This list is not exhaustive, and Victorians are spoilt for choice in the quality of Tertiary education available. Work edit The most popular industry for a working holiday is to work in hospitality jobs around the St. Kilda area. The wages in all other industries are usually much better than working in hospitality but require more specific skills. At the moment there are a lot of job offers for nurses and craftsmen. Fruit picking is a possible source of income but in the greater Melbourne area but there are not many jobs offered. You will find better chances are in the dairy business but you should have some basic experience. Grape vine tending is another possibility in the near by Yarra Valley. There are many websites that are focused on job hunting in Melbourne including local job board Jobs Melbourne and Swift Jobs. Buy edit add listing Shopping hours in metro Melbourne are typically 7 days a week, 9AM-5:30PM weekdays (from April 22, 2014 CBD trading hours for Myer Emporium Centre and Melbourne Central and nearby areas will be extended to 7pm, but 9pm trading on Thursday and Friday is unchanged) and 9AM( maybe later)- 5PM weekends. Most suburban shopping centres such as Chadstone have later closing hours on Thursdays and Fridays - mostly up to 9PM. Supermarkets have extended hours 7 days, the majority opening at 7AM and closing at midnight or 1AM, however there are many 24 hour supermarkets around. Alcohol in Victoria can be purchased at licensed shopsvenues and supermarkets often have an adjoining bottle shop, which close earlier than supermarket hours. Some supermarkets that close at the same time as their licence stock alcohol in the supermarket. You need to be over 18 years old to purchase alcohol. Most bottleshops close by 10PM to midnight (even on weekends), but some open until 3AM (e. g. on Riversdale road in Booroondara and Russell St Melbourne), and 24-hour bottleshops on both Chapel and Lygon streets, in Stonnington and Melbourne respectively. City Shopping edit The historic Block Arcade on Collins Street

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